helps me choose the best HDTV


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
I need everyones help
my cousin is looking to buy the best HDTV out there..which he will sastisfied for many years to come..

with the best refresh rate, at least 120hz or better, 1080p resolution, most contrast
the tv most give great picture in bright room

oh btw 37" size so he can fit in his tv entertainment center..
any great tv's out there right now.. or should he wait a bit for any new ones coming out.. ?
I know someone is at least hardcore TV geek here.. :D
thanks its greatly appreciated :up
Speaking as a NON-Expert but at least educated, wouldn't the benefits achieved from 120hz and 1080p be somewhat lost with a screen size that small?
Would be easier to get a new entrainment center so he can get a bigger tv??;)

A Samsung 40650 may fit.
Aint that the truth; screw the ent center; it has so little to nothing to do with a quality H/T experience.

Agreed there. If money's no option on the TV, upgrade the EC, too (unless it's one of those built in like so many houses have). When we built my house I made sure there were no recesses so I could do what I pleased.

I think for the money getting rid of the entertainment center and going with a bigger TV would be a much more appreciated option.
Speaking as a NON-Expert but at least educated, wouldn't the benefits achieved from 120hz and 1080p be somewhat lost with a screen size that small?

Correct, if you are more than six feet away from the TV...


onkyo 5100 and Dish net.

shopping for a center channel speaker