Help with an 87cm roof mount


New Member
Original poster
Aug 13, 2005
We just got an 87cm dish and an 8600ir receiver to get homeschool programming with. Luckily I found this site and see that I can get all sorts of other things as well. :)

However, I'm installing the dish on the back roof of my house where the smaller, dish_network one was and have some concerns about line of sight and mounting this thing directly to my roof.

Line of sight
First, I'm in Baton Rouge, and am getting Az/El of 189.3/53.9. I have a compass (it came with the kit, which was very affordable at $279 total for everything you need) and am looking at the line of sight and seeing a tree. I know that's a no-no, but its across a powerline, about 200-300 feet away. The power lines are also supposed to be bad, but three people on my street have satellites and theirs go right through the same powerline. What's up with that?

What, exactly, does that 53.9 mean? Is that # of degrees or a measurement of some sort.

Mounting issues
How the heck do I find a roof truss without putting 10 holes in my shingles to find out where it is?

Other Components
Finally, is there anything else I need to easily pick up on other programming and where would I go to find programs?

I know this is probably one of the longest first posts you've had. I'm sorry, but I want to do this right the first time and know that most of you know way more than me about all of this. Any help would be appreciated!

Oh-one more thing...if I ditch my cable company... C0x, and get dish-network, I have heard that this dish will work. Is that true? And would I have to buy yet another receiver?
Well...I got it up. I really appreciate all the help! Looks like the dish clears the powerline and the tree by a longshot at 53.9 degrees.

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