Help Getting Two Hoppers


Original poster
May 12, 2014
United States
Please need help getting two Hopper 3's up and running on the same account? After paying for two dish tech visits, The Dish tech informed me the only recourse I have is to allow them to add a second satellite dish. One tech did say, it's possible by using a DP44 Multi-Switch, but Dish doesn't let the techs go that route. I've leased one Hopper 3 from Dish and purchased the other Hopper 3 from Solid Signal. I would prefer to go the switch route vs. adding an additional satellite dish. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Mark Hardy
It requires a DPH42 switch not a DP44 switch. You also need a DPP LNB rather than a DPH LNB. We have several people here who are set up that way with 2 Hopper 3s.
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I know I have the Eastern Arc; however, the Tech from Dish only ran two coaxial wires from the LNB into my attic, is that going to be a problem?
2 lines from the Eastern Arc but it has to be a DPP LNBF. not a DPH. Seems like your techs didn't know what they were doing
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Also, if you want to be able for both H3's to "see" ALL Joeys on your install and also access the other H3, then INSIST upon that. some time after installation you may prefer to pair a Joey to the other H3 (especially if one of the H3's breaks and you await its replacement. Also, sometimes content was recorded by the other H3 users, and you will want to watch that content, especially if it will not air again. The Ideal set-up is for both H3's being accesable to each other and all Joeys in the system. OTOH, you may prefer to keep each H3 NOT accessible from the other for reasons of "privacy". That can also be done at install, if you prefer.

While the DPH42 is the most efficient install for TWO H3's, if the retailer insists, as long as they do NOT charge you for the 2nd reflector--neither hardware no labor--then it could be a solution. I recall when a 2nd reflector was the ONLY way to accommodate TWO H3's, and those people did report being able to access the other H3, so that could work. Of course, I realize you may not have room nor desire for a 2nd reflector, which makes the HPH42 the only solution.

If you really want the single reflector DPH42 install, then I would tell the retailer that's the only install you will accept, and if they say, "No" then I would call Dish and maybe they can work something out with the retailer who I suspect does NOT, I presume, want to pay for the DPH42. The installer should still make money, but not quite as much, IF you approacehd the retailer (or he approached you) originally and not go through Dish first. Also, even if you do go through Dish first, some retailers will tell the customer they need a 2nd reflector so the contractor/retailer can keep the switch. This has happened to two different family members. Best of luck.
If you really want the single reflector DPH42 install, then I would tell the retailer that's the only install you will accept, and if they say, "No" then I would call Dish and maybe they can work something out with the retailer who I suspect does NOT, I presume, want to pay for the DPH42. The installer should still make money, but not quite as much, IF you approacehd the retailer (or he approached you) originally and not go through Dish first. Also, even if you do go through Dish first, some retailers will tell the customer they need a 2nd reflector so the contractor/retailer can keep the switch. This has happened to two different family members. Best of luck.
Dish should accommodate him with the DPH 42 Switch but he'll want to insist to the installer that he use a Duo Hub, not 2 Solo hubs from the switch
2 lines from the Eastern Arc but it has to be a DPP LNBF. not a DPH. Seems like your techs didn't know what they were doing
You, sir, are correct. Also, it was two separate visits, which mean two separate charges. Both times the Dish techs were on the phone trying to get advice. I was going to attempt to do this myself, but since I have to change the LNBF out, that rules me out due to physical limitations. I am trying to find an independent installer, so far having zero luck.
Dish should accommodate him with the DPH 42 Switch but he'll want to insist to the installer that he use a Duo Hub, not 2 Solo hubs from the switch
Agree. I should have made it clear that the OP should in NO WAY pay any additional cost for additional install equipment--ONLY a 2nd H3 box is a required additonal cost. Dish Corp. has always privided all the extra hardware install goodies (and labor) included in any one-time cost upgrade deals; Dish has only EVER requrired an additional fee for any additional STB's (DVR's/Clients) if it would exceed the number Dish officially subsidizes--AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION--not AFTER the subscriber has signed OK for the install.

I've dealt with contractors who have tried to charge extra for hardware or labor that Dish will cover, and the contractors are supposed to cover that, as well. Yeah, I know that for a Contractor if it means using switches and other hardware, they view it as a less $$ left over after what Dish pays them (and I did know how much Dish was paying them), but if they have to throw in a splitter or diplexer (let alone a switch), break a sweat, or spend 5 minutes more than the install ought--in their own minds, they feel aggrieved and UNETHICALLY demand MORE MONEY for EVERYTHING--EVERY little piece of hardware or extra foot of cable and covertly add more $$ to cover what they think they are entitled for the extra "trouble" (labor) of the job. The problem is, if the arrangements were directly with Dish at the quoted and charged price that includes EVERYTHING (parts and labor), then the contractor assigned the install MUST perform all the labor and provide all parts necessary at the rate Dish pays them to do so.

I suppose if someone contacts and works with a retailer exclusively, one can expect the pricing to differ--sometimes better (perhaps a few extras and making things happen that even direct with Dish won't do), sometimes not--than directly with Dish. That would be between the retailer and the customer, and that would be ethical, IMHO.

Sorry, but in parts of the country were people are not always "nice" nor "honest" this is the NORM when dealing with Dish/DirecTV retailers/contractors. I did have ONE honest retailer who I did give my business to a few times for some special situations, but he was pretty old (a GOOD thing), from another, more gential, time, and he, sadly, retired. I doubt he is alive, but he was a good, honest man, who provided good support. Those of you in the "nice people" part of the country, I'm sure, have good retailers/contractors, and you are fortunate.

Long post, but I had to get it all out.

Fixed dish and receiver

Upgrading from VIP722k to Hopper 3 using DPH42

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