Hell's Kitchen

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I watched it once, reminded me of one too many bosses that I've had, and turned it off.
Yea, I've watched it. I wish they wouldn't bleep him out. It would really make this a real good show. I love watching them walk off the show.
Excellent show, excellent show, one of my summer favs as of right now...poor Dewberry, the twenty four year old punk is the next to go
I've watched and the one thing I don't like about Ramsey is that he comes off as his way is the only way to get the best out of people.

Also I don't like how he tells the customers to F-Off. Even though they shouldn't come upto the hotplate he shouldn't treat his customers that way. Its those idiot customers that allowed him to even be who the hell he is today.

Besides that he reminds me quite a bit of myself but I'm not exactly an ahole with everyone.

Oh and those women who were acting like that kidney stone wasn't that big so it shouldn't hurt that much made me very mad. I've had many kidney stones and lets just say even something that small is coming out of something even smaller and out of a very very very very very sensitive area. I had a 24 hour period where I had 8 of those small stones.
They say kidney stones are the closest a man can get to experiencing what childbirth feel like. Some say it's worse. :eek:

Strictly from an entertainment standpoint, I like how he treats the customers. Obviously these people are there for a free meal and to be on TV. If not for the fact that they were on TV, do you think that first group of women he told to f-off would have gone back to the table giggling that they were just insulted? Even though it is not proper, as long as it appears to be genuine sentiment, I'd prefer he not hold his tongue. :)
MattJ2124 said:
Him telling the customers to f off is what makes the show, come on, classic

Yes it makes the show but in real life the business isn't a how on TV. The fact is you don't talk to customers like this and he only did this because its a TV show. Most of these reality shows aren't reality because how they act and what they do on the show isn't what would be done in real life. Now in Survivor what would be done in real life would pump up the ratings. In real life you don't want to cut off a member you want to work together and anyone who won't work for the team as a whole would most likely be killed. That is true life not these shows.
LonghornXP said:
I've had many kidney stones and lets just say even something that small is coming out of something even smaller and out of a very very very very very sensitive area. I had a 24 hour period where I had 8 of those small stones.
Not to get off-topic, but I too suffer from frequent kidney stones. The majority of the pain for me and for those I've talked to is not from the "final stage" (trying to keep a G rating in here ;)) but from the movement down the ureter, the tube connecting the kidney to the bladder. And the ureter is muscular, so it contracts involuntarily when "stimulated" by the presence of the stone, making matters worse. The sensation is like someone sticking a very dull knife into one side of your lower back, with incredible force (no sitting still during an attack). I have a high pain tolerance, but that is the most intense pain I have ever experienced. Once that is done, there is sometimes slight discomfort while the stone(s) are in the bladder (which can be up to a day), but that is nothing at all, and the final stage usually just produces some discomfort, unless it is larger and has some "difficulty" in which case a little pain is to be expected, but after the ureter, you can handle anything.

Sorry for the tangent (but apparently this was discussed on this show so it's not too off-topic)... :)
Definitely "enhanced" reality. ;)

I finally caught Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares Revisited" on BBCA that aired over the weekend. The same personality, but much less of a caricature of himself. Actually a much better show if you're interested in the dynamics of running a restaurant - or interested in business, in general.

Ramsay goes into a restaurant in trouble and identifies the problems and offers solutions to try and right the ship. He spends a week there, then you get a brief follow-up after a month or so to see if the changes implemented are having a positive effect. Entire project takes place in a single 1 hour episode. His "Hell's Kitchen" personna is tempered just a bit, and confined to the kitchen. He's fairly diplomatic with the owner when making suggestions, and although he doesn't really come into contact with customers, it's obvious that if he did, it would be nothing like Hell's Kitchen (that may be because he's dealing with somebody elses restaurant - I'd be curious how he deals with customers in his own restaurant)

Worth a look (sh*t comes through unbleeped and generous uses of the word "bollocks" ;) )
Man this show gets more interesting as it goes.

Tonight's show was a shocker though.
Kitchen Nightmares is such a better show. FOX has really tuned him up in Hell's Kitchen. I don't think it is that far of a stretch for him though.
Neutron said:
Man this show gets more interesting as it goes.

Tonight's show was a shocker though.
I told myself if he picks Chris, he's gone. I didnt think Ramsey liked him very much. He had an ego and couldnt back it up. I like this show.
I'm starting not to like Michael either. Though I think it will come down to either him or Ralph.
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