There's so much deadweight on both teams, especially the women, that this is pretty painful to watch. Gimpy hand guy is going to have to go soon, just cause of his hand... ankle guy knows his stuff, keep thinking he's one of the regular chefs Ramsey has there with him, the one that yelled at i-cant-cook-meat guy.
Sucks that both of the gimpy guys appear like they can actually cook, while people like Whoopi (not trying to sound racist, but im waiting for her to start singing jump and jack flash during a service) and Lovely on the other team just sit there and suck up airtime with useless drama that wont matter after they're gone in 3-4 weeks.
I like Robert a lot, but the way its cut it makes it look like he's flipping out over so little.
Who knows though, I had the same opinion of Andrea and she about won the damn thing last season. The asian girl looks to be following that same path... gets under pressure... folds.