From Mariah;
Actually you are all right. I have already applied for a coupon for an analog to Digital converter, and intend to get one when I can. BUT, I am also interested in what "FTA" is all about. I Live in Spokane, Wa. and there are probably 8 or 9 over the air channels, however some of them are notoriously bad reception including the CBS affiliate. Perhaps just going to a digital signal will solve that. If so I will be satisfied, but if I can get better reception and possibly more channels of programing by acquiring (one time) a receiver and or dish to pick up these extras, I am interested. As I said, I don't have the resources to pay a monthly fee for cable or satellite services, and frankly don't care about most premium fare, however if I loose NASCAR or WWE Smackdown, or other sophisticated programing, I will be sad.
I must say that I am not terribly proficient in understanding the technology. I went to the free to Air Forum, and quickly found myself trying to read Greek! In the spirit of the "XXX for dummies" I need to have someone tell me..."go to this store and buy this thing and take it home and plug it in to ... ? and if nothing happens do a, b, c, ...and then write me back at ..."
I am thrilled to have found this resource, and truely appreciate your attempts to hael a poor electronically illiterate dummy.