Hello Everybody & channel content


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Original poster
Mar 2, 2011
Hello Everybody :), i'm a new member to the site. We've had dishnetwork for a little over a year now, and i still can't see why we stuck with local cable for sooo long hehe. The truth is we were unsure how it would perform during storms and things like that, but so far we've had alot of storms and the reception has only gone out for 5 min. here and there. We use spray de-icer on the dish when the ice builds up during the winter-it works like a charm :).

i've looked around a bit for a site that shows what kind of content is shown on some of the channels(most are self explanatory or maybe im just familiar with them). I just hate to waste time watching a channel to see what its about only to find that its something i dont like, and then a month later forget what type of programming it was. I did a search for "channel content" on here but didnt see anything like what i was looking for. Does anyone know of a place that has this kind of information?

:welcome to SatelliteGuys!

I honestly don't know of a site that gives descriptions of each channel and the programming their air.

If you see a channel you dont know what its about post it here and I am sure someone can describe its programming to you. :)
Hey pizzapie, welcome to the forums! Glad to hear your service is working fine. There's nothing special we have available regarding explaining what a channel is about. Though on our website at dishnetwork.com go to packages and click English programming, etc.. you can view channels in our packages. Roll your mouse over one of the channels and it provides a brief rundown of the station itself.

For example if you rolled over CN it would say:

Cartoon Network is an outrageous environment that celebrates all kinds of youth-targeted entertainment, from original animation and realist series to the best in action-adventure and anime.
You could always write down the channels you have looked at and note which ones you like and don't like. Or, you could download the channel list, print it out, and red line those that you have no interest in.
pizzapie, I left cable for Dish about 15 years ago or so. I have saved hundreds of dollars and had access to programming Charter Cable could only dream of. lol..., and almost never lose the signal. I think you will continue to really like Dish (or Direct TV to be fair) over Cable.

My suggestion about content, most every channels has a website. You can usually tell from there what to expect for the type of programming they have.
Thanks for the quick replies and suggestions, i had started to write some notes on my "quick reference guide", but it was a little tedious and i didnt want to re-invent the wheel so to speak. I'll definitly check out the dishnetwork site DOH! hehe and the individual channel sites and spread my note taking out over time, and maybe it wont seem so bad :).

tampa8, yea ive been kicking myself over waiting so long, i could have atleast tested it out lol, DN is alot cheaper and offers a wider selection too.......its just a win win.

thanks again.
One of the little know facts is that cable companies are required to carry a super basic level which consists of your local network stations and a few others. If you have an HDTV you can also pick up some QAM stations. This pack is about $10/mo. In my area I get 3 different sets of locals. 2 are on the regular cable uhf signal and 1 city's is QAM. I use this as a back up if there is a weqther problem with Dish or my OTA.
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Just a suggestion, create a favorite list that you start adding the channels you like watching. I'd think it'd be better than a paper list.
Just a suggestion, create a favorite list that you start adding the channels you like watching. I'd think it'd be better than a paper list.

yes i love the favorites lists too, i've got mine, she has hers, and we have movie channels on a third, but in 6 months or a year i'd still like to know why i decided not to add a channel-when i forget what its about .:)
Just a suggestion, create a favorite list that you start adding the channels you like watching. I'd think it'd be better than a paper list.
Personally as PizzaPie alludes to below.. if you're only looking at "favorites" you might miss something that would change your mind about watching that station. That to me kills the favorites. I'd use favorites instead, to lump the kiddies stuff into, and lock down the receiver so they can easily see what's allowed for them. Their ability to "see all channels" isn't important to the overall dish account.

Normally, I don't keep my guide in the "all channels" mode .. I keep it in all subscribed.. (didn't like seeing so many channels in red) ... but knowing in places that I don't have certain channels ... like when I'm up in HBO ... I'll hit the guide button to switch into *all channels* mode just so I can see if Sho, or Max is airing newer movies at one time or another and that maybe I might consider switching packages around..

Dish 1000.4 Add on ?

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