HDTV Locals nightmare

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Original poster
Feb 11, 2006
This issue has been resolved with the help of satelliteguys.us MEMBERS!! Thank you all!!!!!!!:D :D :D

OK, I have my 5LNB dish and H20 and a ant on a 40 foot mast with a drop amp on it. I can get all but Fox OTA when the weather is good. My local area is Youngstown but I can not receive either of the stations transmitting from there, one is 4 mouths from HD and the other has no plans for HD and is for sale.

When I submitted a waiver through D* it went out to 11 stations in 4 separate markets. I got the list from D* csr and contacted all the stations that said no. One out of all 4 networks said no, well 2 from Pittsburgh and all 4 from Youngstown said no, even though 2 of the Youngstown stations have no signal. the other 2 Youngstown stations told me they are aware that I live in a "dead" area for them. So I asked why they were saying no, they said 100% of the waivers get no, because "no person has a right to HDTV"!!! It is a gift if you get it but they have no mandate to let you have it. I said then D* can give it to me if you say yes. they asked if I was getting locals from D*. I told them I was as it was needed to get the HD locals from D*. they informed me that the FCC says that if a person can get SD then you have no right to HDTV.

I contacted D* HD group in Missouri and they said if they turned me on the FCC would audit them and fine them 10 grand for each person that has no waiver.

My next call was to the FCC. After 3 days I got a call back and the FCC said they do not get involved with any of this and it is congressional deal. I asked what I could do, and they said I could file a formal complaint, but they do not enforce the "HDTV waiver" law.

So I have 3 options.
1 deal with poor OTA reception and no Fox (my 2 fav shows are on Fox).
2 File a complaint and pray for something to happen.
3 Try to get the Pittsburgh locals when D* launches them in April

What are my chances of making option 2 or 3 work?

I am at a lost as to what to do
Oh and I requested a "site survey" and the local channels said they would not sign a waiver even if I could prove I couldn't get their stations signal. As long as D* gives me local SD then the FCC says I have no right to HDTV. If this is the law then I hope other cities do not find out about this!!
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I can sympathise, but try not to double post as it makes it real hard for people trying to help you keep up. http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=52869&page=6

To my understanding there is NO PROCESS for digital waivers as of right now. If you are claimed by an affiliate and they say you get a Grade B signal or better for their SD signal, that might do you in. Also, if your locals are delivered via DBS, I think that also might put you behind the eight-ball. Now if you CAN'T even get a Grade B signal, you CAN request a signal test; if you fail you pay and lose out; if you win they pay for the test and you CAN get waivers, I think this is PER EACH affiliate, not all. This will be upheld by the FCC and them saying they won't do it regardless makes it sound like you have called them directly and pissed someone off. Waivers are supposed to be handled via your DBS provider as I understand it.
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Request a signal test. If you in a dead area and can not get their analog signal and they acknowledge this then the test shouldn't be an issue. Call directv tell them you want a signal test. They will send you the paper work fill it out and send it back and wait. Only downside is that if you lose you could potentially have to pay for the test.

Also as far as them saying if the site survey came back that you couldnt get them they would still deny it. They do not have that option, If you cant get it its automatically approved.

Ive been dealing with the same thing except I have a new wrinkle where D* offers local HD channels in my area now, but since there isnt a dvr for Mpeg 4 it really does me no good. However DirecTv refuses to run the signal test since I can get HD locals from them. So I currently get distant cbs, fox and abc HD from D*
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Eric Goempel said:
So I have 3 options.
1 deal with poor OTA reception and no Fox (my 2 fav shows are on Fox).
2 File a complaint and pray for something to happen.
3 Try to get the Pittsburgh locals when D* launches them in April

I am at a lost as to what to do.

I believe that your problem can be solved without resorting to premature fights over digital waivers. The signal strength standard for a digital waiver has not yet been set by Congress.

With a 40' mast you should be able to get more stations over the air than is predicted by www.antennaweb.org A good system in Salem, OH should be able to receive both Cleveland and Pittsburg over the air. What antenna are you using? Do you have a rotator? Do you know the model number of the line amplifier that you are using? Is the line amp mounted at the back of the antenna? Are you using a multiplexor for your antenna or do you have a seperate coax for the over the air antenna?

The answers to these questions will allow an antenna maven to make suggestions that will help you.
Tower Guy. It is so weird, but when the weather is good I can get KDKA-CBS and WPXI-NBC from Pittsburg, WTOV-NBC from Stubenville and WKYC-NBC,WOIO-CBS and (when things are perfect)WJW-fox out of Cleveland. I do not remember the make and mobel of the ant but it was 100 buck last year when I bought it. Yes I have a power rotor on it and can get only one of these citirs at once, Yes it is a RG6 homerun from the mast to the amp, behind the TV (it is one or the cable tv drop amps we used at time warner cable when I installed for them) It has 4 outputs
1 to the tv tuner
1 to the H20 tuner
1 to the Onkyo reciever coax input for FM Radio (I gat stations from NEW YORK at night)

But I am more than the 60 mile range from Pitt Clevland and Stubenville, so when the weather gets iffy at ALL the picture starts breaking up.

For the life of me I cannot understand why I cannot get Youngstown locals in HD. I have tried moving the ant 360 degrees and cant get anything. WFMJ-NBC and WTYV-ABC out of Youngstown get nothing, I can get WEWS-ABC(they said yes to my waiver!!!!) from Youngstown in perfect weather. WKBN-CBS and WYFX-FOX out of Youngstown do not bradcast in HD at all( but said no to my waiver).

WYFX is in such bad shape that WKBN (thats right the CBS station OWNS the FOX station in the market, but has it for sale because it is in such bad shape equipment wise) that we get FOX5 off the east coast feed in SD from D*

So if I get the east coast feed in SD from D* why cant I get the east coast HDTV feed.
For the life of me I cannot understand why I cannot get Youngstown locals in HD. I have tried moving the ant 360 degrees and cant get anything. WFMJ-NBC and WTYV-ABC out of Youngstown get nothing, I can get WEWS-ABC(they said yes to my waiver!!!!) from Youngstown in perfect weather. WKBN-CBS and WYFX-FOX out of Youngstown do not bradcast in HD at all( but said no to my waiver).

Here are the FCC records for the 4 listed affiliates (had to change WYTV). Check to see if they are broadcasting in digital, and if so, is it at low or full power.

WMFJ: http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/tvq?list=0&facid=72062

WYTV: http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/tvq?list=0&facid=4693

WKBN: http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/tvq?list=0&facid=73153

WYFX: http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/tvq?list=0&facid=68398

Also remember, these are DIGITAL channels, NOT HD channels. All they have to do is transmit digital, they are not required by the FCC to pass along the HD programming; even though that would be suicide at some point. Also, as long as you pay to have the SD DNS and I think the HD pack, you should also get the digital version of that same DNS. My recollection on needing the HD pack too, is suspect.
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thank you

You need to read what people say before you climb on your soapbox. I have ZERO interest in local broadcasts. All that I want to watch is the shows "24" and "house" on FOX national!! There is nothing on local news worth watching.

WYFX Youngstown is broadcasting at 8 kw analog and has zero plans to go digital.(the station is for sale), is 18.25 miles from my house. I get this channel 0% of the time as it is not there! (and at 8 kw the SD channel is not available here so we get the east coast fox feed from D*)

And WJW Cleveland is broadcasting at 635 kw on digital at a distance of 67.87 miles from my house. I get this channel 5%

While KDKA Pittsburgh is broadcasting at 1000 kw on digital at a distance of 72.96 miles from my house. I get this channel 80% of the time

And I am aware that there is a difference between digital and HD.
And I am thankful for you pointing out that I got 2 letters backward on the call sign of one of the stations.

As for the legality of Star choice you need to read more of this forum as it is covered well by ICEBERG in this thread http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=29575

This forum is here to help eachother, not talk down to people.:up
Send me your address and I will mail you some Xanax!!
UH.... thats right you do need to calm down take some of your own meds, no soapbox here, I was asking to learn about them after I took a look at their channel lineup. Turn off your defensive countermeasures.
When I submitted a waiver through D* it went out to 11 stations in 4 separate markets

wow 11 stations......

Eric Goempel,
I went thru all this waiver BS last year. I can tell you this, If D* gives you analog locals, and you request a "digital" signal test, they will most likely send you a letter saying you are not eligible because you already get locals, at least that is what I got.

D* submitted "HD" waivers to 6 stations in my case, 5 said yes, 1 said no. I get no OTA HD and cable is not available where I live. The station that denied it was a local low-power UHF ABC affiliate that does not even broadcast a HD signal.

I found out that the waivers D* submits are processed by a company called Decisionmark. http://www.decisionmark.com/companyinfo.aspx

I did request a signal test, at first I got a letter saying I would be contacted soon about the test, then the letter from D* saying that I was not eligible to apply.

I ended up contacting the station several times, and found out that the waiver application was for a "analog" waiver. The station manager ended up ok'ing me this last November, and they finally granted me a waiver. So now I finally get all 4 NY network HD feeds. :) Now I can get the Houston network feeds if I upgrade to mpeg-4, But I think I'll wait.

The SHEVERA law seems to have done nothing useful. Both DirecTV techs and station personnel will say: "SHEVERA says this or that" but they are mostly wrong.
Eric Goempel said:
Yes it is a RG6 homerun from the mast to the amp, behind the TV .

The preamp should be behind the antenna on top of the mast. You'll need a remotely powered amplifer.
Well I went and added a 10 foot extension to my mast today and had D* replace my H20. OMG I now get 40+ digital channels. And I get FOX from Pittsburgh and Cleveland!!! I could not be happier with the service from D* and my own hard work. The local stations are still run by pinheads. And I got my ditial siginal test form in the mail today. Dont think I am going to send it in. This H20 has 2times the picture quality on D8 channels as the last and 100 times on OTA.

If anyone is not happy with the picture quality they are recieving, call D* and have your reciever replaced, If you have the protection plan you can do this often for no cost. They also replaced my AT9 today as well. Cost to me=zero. plus I have an extra AT9 for parts (installer gave it to me).
Eric Goempel said:
OMG I now get 40+ digital channels. And I get FOX from Pittsburgh and Cleveland!!!

WOW! Great job! What antenna make ad model again?

The local stations are still run by pinheads.

Man you said it, HUGE understatement! The vast majority are, they are in fear of losing their illegal monopolies!
I have a Winegard HD8200P that now sits 55 feet off the ground! I have a $200 drop amp we used when I was an installer for time warner cable(free to me). And it has a power rotor on it.

If I could bitch slap these closed minded fools running the local channels I would be a happy man. But my wife is an Manager for Enterprise-Rent-A-Car and I talked to the Regional Manager about dropping ads from these stations!! It might just happen. Will serve the pricks right!!
Ah good antenna; I use the Winegard HD9095P which is the UHF only portion I am almost positve. (not sure if my signature shows my gear)
When It gets warmer I will go out and take some pictures of the gear. I will also get a section on one of my sites for pictures of the big screen
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Slimline Installed, Finally!!

S-Video out/480P?

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