HDTV LNB Question

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Feb 13, 2004
Sorry if this has been asked before...but I can't seem to find an applicable thread.

I have an existing 3-room directv system in my house. When the system was installed 3 years ago it was a three room TV-system with a fourth line for satellite internet access (one-way direcpc)...so it's an oval dish with triple lnb's (2 for television and one for 1-way internet). I believe it's an RCA system.

I recently purchased a Samsung 50" DLP and Samsung HDTV Sat receiver and would like to subcribe to the Directv HD channels. I no longer use the Sat internet service (having switched to cable internet last year). I think I can probably keep my current dish and buy the Terk "hdtv 3rd lnb" upgrade for about $40...but with snow on the ground, I'm probably not getting up to the roof until spring.

My question is about the existing direcpc LNB already on my dish. It's not the 2-way version which transmits back to the Sat. Does that LNB operate in essentially the same manor as the others? And if so...can I use that existing 3rd LNB for HDTV?

All 3 LNB lines currently run down into my basement where they're distributed throughout the house...the two television lines tie into a multiswitch down there and the direcpc line is currently hanging there (unconnected).

Just thought it might save me some time and trouble.


The short answer is no, you cannot use your Direcpc LNBF in the configuration you describe.

What you will need are LNBFs pointing at 101, 110 and 119 degrees W/L.
My recommendation is to purchase a "Phase 3" DirecTV antenna, and mount in place of your Direc Duo antenna. Connect the three cables to the LNBF, and run each cable to a seperate receiver. As the LNBF has an internal multi-switch, you will no longer need your switch in the basement.

You will need to change receiver settings in menu to allow for 3 sat, oval dish.

Best of luck!

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