I, too, switched to D* (just for the HD TiVo). I agree that something like the Home Theater Master MX-800 is a great solution, if you have a larger integration requirement as well. In my case, I added the HD TiVo to a setup which is integrated using a Crestron system.
Until I can get to reprogramming the Crestron, I'm using a very effective (and cost effective) approach using the TiVo remote itself. I bought a $50 RF extender (actually I bought 2 - expecting to use them with another TiVo as well, but ended up only needing one). The transmitter fits inside the battery compartment of the HR10-250 remote. It sends RF to a receiver with an IR emitter placed in front of the HD TiVo.
This setup works great, and lets me explore the full remote control capabilities of the TiVo before programming the automation system.