HD Tivo losing sat inputs

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The Star Wars Collector Podcast
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Jan 27, 2004
I am having a problem where my HD Tivo is losing the satellite input. I will be watching something and the other tuner will give a message that the signal has been lost, depends on which tuner I am watching as to which error message I get for that tuner. I had Directv replace the one I had with a new one so it is confusing and I was wanting to know if anyone had any similar problems.
I may or may not be able to assist to you.

I only had this unit for a day ... but, I am wondering a couple of things. Do you know for a fact there are no cable/connection issues? Also, that you have a proper ground to the dish.

If yes, you know you can still only record two shows at once even though there are four tuners right? Is the issue on a specific tuner (always SAT1 or always SAT2)?

Last but not least, how old is your dish? This is assuming you have the phase III with the built-in multi-switch.
slacker9876 said:
I may or may not be able to assist to you.

I only had this unit for a day ... but, I am wondering a couple of things. Do you know for a fact there are no cable/connection issues? Also, that you have a proper ground to the dish.

If yes, you know you can still only record two shows at once even though there are four tuners right? Is the issue on a specific tuner (always SAT1 or always SAT2)?

Last but not least, how old is your dish? This is assuming you have the phase III with the built-in multi-switch.

Ok, first I get the satellite lost signal on the second input. I checked the cables and switched the inputs with each cable to make sure it wasn't the cable and still get that message. Yes I know you can only have two channels recording at a time, I don't have an antannae anyway. I have the Phase III dish and I have had it now for 1 year and 8 months, by the way my dad's went bad in about 1 year.
Well I got my HD Tivo replaced and funny thing is that it is doing the same thing, no matter which cable I hook up to the second input it will randomly lose the signal. I am about to take it back and say forget about it.
Do you have a multiswitch or are you using the built in one on the phase-III?

If you are replace the switch. If using the built in one replace the LNB block that has the built in switch.
Agreed ... if you really want to pin it down on a DiecTiVo you can hook up only sat 2 and it should work fine just as sat 1 did. Of course with a flaky swich you would put in too much time. I would just replace your dish. That is a bummer. Problems with satellite TV suck, but is sure beat the heck out of cable!
Ok, here is what I did. I have three cables coming off of my Phase III dish and so I switched the cable going in the bedroom (the newest cable) with on of the two going to the living room and so far I have not had that problem anymore. I was checking some of the transpoders and noticed a few only had about 50-60 signal while all the others had 92-98. Anyone have an idea why?
ramy said:
Ok, here is what I did. I have three cables coming off of my Phase III dish and so I switched the cable going in the bedroom (the newest cable) with on of the two going to the living room and so far I have not had that problem anymore. I was checking some of the transpoders and noticed a few only had about 50-60 signal while all the others had 92-98. Anyone have an idea why?
You need to tweak the dish. I would guess your azimuth is off. Back your your original request ... did you try viewing programming on all three LNB's at the same time? Seems odd, because I think Neutron was right with the multi-switch deal.
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