As to software, shouldn't have to do anything hook up, make appropriate settings and get the antenna aimed properly. As for the dish, you probably won't get them all, but will get some. It will probably perform similar to a 24 inch dish. I did a while back use a modified Dish 500 dish and got 100 plus off of 97W. So, if you are just staring out, might be better to get a larger dish. However, if you can't afford bigger or just wanting to try before you spend to much, you can get by. It will be harder to aim properly than a larger dish, so expect some frustration. Just be sure to pick a STRONG DVBS channel to set your receiver to, so that you stand a better chance of catching the show of signal when aiming. Peak that signal, then re-peak on a weaker signal, then do a blind scan.
Have fun with it.