HD Content ON HD Channels - History


'Just Chillin'
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 11, 2006
Long Island, NY
There is so much claptrap about how much programming is on the new HD channels. For all of you history majors, this is really nothing new. It has been quite commonplace for the HD channel to launch before the content matches or before the new HD studios are completed, and so on.

Let's look at just one such example - ESPN.

ESPN-HD launched on March 30, 2003. There was NO HD studio built when the channel launched, and the HD content at channel launch was pretty similar to many of todays RSNS - very few games were broadcast in HD - and the rest was all SD.
ESPNHD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It actually was OVER A FULL YEAR before ESPN's new digital studios were ready for PRIME TIME. Sports Center in HD launched on the channel on June 7, 2004.
SportsCenter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My point being, most of these new channels have anywhere from very little to a decent amount of HD programming now at launch - but they have put the channel out there, and that means that just like with ESPN, the selection and content of available HD programs will continue to grow. With well over 50 different HD channels available, there is always a choice of programming for those that like to show off their HDTV's. There is a decent mix of the legacy HD channels like ESPN, ESPN2, HDNet, and so on, the newer channels with lots of HD content like FOOD, TNT and so on, the new HD channels like MGM and Smithsonian, and the really new HD offerings that are building out infrastructure (like TWC, and CNN, and so on).

Things are good. They needed a provider to give them a home so they can grow up just like ESPN did only 4 1/2 years ago.

I for one don't mind being able to watch them grow and get better - just as I did when ESPN did the exact same thing.
Most of the complaining isn't really complaining at all. I will probably get reamed here but here goes....

The majority of the complaints about the lack of HD content on the newer channels lit up by D* in the last 3 weeks has been from............yup, you guessed it, :eek:E* fansboys.:eek:

Now, this is not really a complaint mind you, but a defense mechanism that goes off in their brains without them having a chance to think it through.
You see, they don't get most of these newer channels (yet) so they have to come up with something to undermine their importance. It would actually be funny as hell, if it wasn't so pathetic.
Most of the complaining isn't really complaining at all. I will probably get reamed here but here goes....

The majority of the complaints about the lack of HD content on the newer channels lit up by D* in the last 3 weeks has been from............yup, you guessed it, :eek:E* fansboys.:eek:

Now, this is not really a complaint mind you, but a defense mechanism that goes off in their brains without them having a chance to think it through.
You see, they don't get most of these newer channels (yet) so they have to come up with something to undermine their importance. It would actually be funny as hell, if it wasn't so pathetic.

I beg to differ... I havnet complained at all.. Ive been watching hd on my HR20-700 6 Hours of starwars yeasterday at the best pq on the market Had me glued to my tv :)
The majority of the complaints about the lack of HD content on the newer channels lit up by D* in the last 3 weeks has been from............yup, you guessed it, :eek:E* fansboys.:eek:

I beg to differ... I havnet complained at all.. Ive been watching hd on my HR20-700 6 Hours of starwars yeasterday at the best pq on the market Had me glued to my tv :)

I don't get it Bob???????

I was just pointing out as an Echostar Fanboy I have not been complaining.

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