HBO Free Preview this weekend

As per last year, they are doing it for the season premier of Boardwalk Empire....replay of S1 and S2 premier Sunday night.
Thanks. Looking through the guide I discovered a few things. The preview runs from midnight Thursday to midnight Monday (pacific time). Also, only the SD versions of the HBO channels show up in the 300's. The HD versions only show up in the 9000's, which is where I ended up setting all my timers.
If you are doing DVR recordings on Cinemax, check that you got what you wanted. I've recorded a couple of programs that were not the movie listed in the VIP722 guide. I deleted them and have rescheduled them.
Dropped my sub to HBO after Entourage and Curb ended earlier in the month, haven't seen a single thing this weekend to make me want to resub. HBO needs to work on some new series, I can't be the only one underwhelmed with what they are showing lately.

Vip211 w/EHD

722K UHF Remote 2 Problem

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