Have you canceled your $9.99 HD Package?

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Have you canceled your $9 HD Package?

I am getting reports from many members who are getting fustrated with the lack of HD Channels on both Dish Network and DirecTV. I am hearing there is only so much Hogans Heros, Trading Spaces HD and Insectica you can watch in HD. So the question here is have you canceled your HD subscription?

And if you could please explain your answers.
I still subscribe. Why?

1. The 1-2 movies I actually want to watch on HDnet Movies is worth something to me.
2. HDNet has some original programming (World Report is one) which has value.
3. ESPN HD has a few games per month I'd like to watch.
4. Discovery HDT always has something I haven't seen before and I ignore the repeats.

Add it all up and it has more value than the $17 HBO/MAX package which is watched less.
I haven't cancelled because I sub'ed for a year. Do not watch HDnet and HDnet Movies anymore. Ocassionally watch the games on ESPN-HD (not too many, anyway). When my sub is done, I will consider cancelling it if I keep VOOM.
I haven't cancelled mine but I agree, they need to add more. HDNET and Discovery keep re-running everything. ESPN only has a HD game once in a while. It's kind of like part time HD but we're paying for full time HD.
I briefly considered cancelling but there are no alternatives IMO:
Cable:compressed and no DVR by me. Temptation: more channels
D*: compressed more, no DVR yet, same if not a little less content (for now)
VOOM: I am not laying out more money to install. If I spent even another cent, my wife will KILL me for sure.
So I am pretty much stuck. I like the 921 but I really REALLY FING WANT MORE HD!!!
Come on E* put up!!!
I have cancelled mine for the same reasons you listed, Scott. I decided that I would invest the $$ in Showtime package instead. I do watch Sho-HD more now than I did the 4 of the HD pack.
If you'd only included a few more 'yes' options.

Yes - I have it but am seriously thinking of cancelling
Yes - But, I'd cancel it if I wasn't under a committment
Yes - I have it, but don't really think it's worth the money

(I'd be #3 above)
Still have mine. I am an avid NBA and college basketball fan so it is worth it to me just to get the games they do show on the special events channel and ESPN HD.
I still have mine... I've only had the 811 for 19 days and am fairly satisfied with it. The NHL games on HDNET are worth it for me the two-three times a week they show them. I was dissapointed with ESPNHD's quality, the NHL All-Star stuff was close to HDNET's NHL stuff, but not the same. And the majority of the time the rest of their stuff plain sucks.

I don't watch HDNET Movies or HBOHD, but do catch the occasional DiscoveryHD show I haven't already seen.

I just set up my OTA to grab some local HD stuff so we'll see if that improves it at all, but E* seriously needs to be adding some more content. I'd even pay more if they added more channels (talking $5-$10 more) depending on how much they added.

Honestly thought I think we are just on the beginning lip of this whole HD thing, from what I understand there will be new HD channels launching this year and hopefull Charlie hears our grumbling and will pick some up. You can't be a complete idiot and still run a company like this, some sort of intelligence has to creap into your skull sooner or later and I think he knows that he needs to add more HD. He probably just doesn't want to add crizap.
Yes, I've got to keep it- the 12 month thing.

But I did complain about the lack of programming and did get HBO-Showtime comped to me for 2 months. If there is no increase in programming I will complain again.

I will cancel if things don't improve- after next year's football.

Scott Greczkowski said:
I am getting reports from many members who are getting fustrated with the lack of HD Channels on both Dish Network and DirecTV. I am hearing there is only so much Hogans Heros, Trading Spaces HD and Insectica you can watch in HD. So the question here is have you canceled your HD subscription?

And if you could please explain your answers.

I plan to drop it after my obligation is up. The majors are starting to do a lot of HD programming and it will only get better. The package is nice but HBO is still repeatative and ESPN is horrible. HDNet is good as is Discovery but OTA still beats the E* Package I think.
I cancelled my Dish HD package when I cancelled Dish. Yes, I was getting tired of the reruns and would have continued to subscribe except I cancelled Dish completly when Charlie made is all the HD worth having comment, didn't make me believe that Dish would be the HD leader.

When I tried Comcast I kind of liked getting HD content without having to subscribe to a specific page just for HD. If I had a movie premium channel I got the HD that was available. Same for ESPN. The InHD channels came as long as I had a digital package (not necessary for only OTA or ESPN). Plus I got my local ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS digital feeds. However, Comcast had a problem with their analog channels that they couldn't fix, they agreed it was brokem, just didn't know what to fix.

I'm now on DirecTV with their digital package. Still tired of the reruns but do like that HDNet movies is showing some more recent stuff. I figure that maybe by showing D* that folks want HD they'll get more of it. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Not yet but I am thinking about it. My 2 DirecTivos get all of the work and I am the only one in the family who makes an effort to watch HD. I still have my 6000 and pay $15.00 am month for the HD pack and access fee.
I still have it (811 for about a month now) and do enjoy it. I certainly agree their isn't enough in the package and the reruns get old quick. Discovery HD does look spectacular and I am certainly looking forward to the Tokyo Autoshow tonight in HD. Even tho I am among those commited to 12 months, I am enjoying it, just wish I could enjoy more.

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