what colors on the superjack 3624 on the reed senors are the ground and the positive and how do i hook them up to a vbox. The reed sensor wires are a green and gray wire. any thoughts.
what colors on the superjack 3624 on the reed senors are the ground and the positive and how do i hook them up to a vbox. The reed sensor wires are a green and gray wire. any thoughts.
Doesn't matter. As long as you hook the sensor wires to the sensor screws, and the motor wires to the motor screws, you will be fine. The sensor will work no matter the hookup, the motor, worst that can happen is it runs backwards when you press the button, i.e. when you press WEST it goes EAST. In that case, just reverse the MOTOR wires. Like I said, the sensor wires dont matter.