Halo 4


SatelliteGuys Master
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Jun 7, 2009
Who's excited for Halo 4? I know I sure am. If it wasn't for these distractions like my job and the election tomorrow I would be out at midnight to pickup my preorder from gamestop. Originally when I heard Bungie wasn't making this one during the announcement I planned on passing but everything I have read for the last couple months including reviews has been extremely positive. I'll be heading straight from the polls to get my copy.
I'm excited for it. Hopefully Gamefly will ship it out to me today. I've always felt that while Bungie did a good job overall, the series really stagnated after Halo 3. My favorite still remains to be Halo 2 to this day, as I felt overall it had the best multiplayer, and by FAR the best maps. The campaign mode has got quite a bit of praise as well, which makes me feel good since I'm a big single player guy, and sadly most FPS games nowadays view single player as an afterthought (*cough* Infinity Ward *cough*.)
The single player is the reason I am most excited about it too. I probably won't play online until I have finished the single player. In games like Halo and Gears that comes first to me. I can say that I have never played a mission of the last 3 COD's or Battlefield 3. I get those strictly to play online with my old college buddies who live too far away to hang out with often. It's not even about the games. I'm not a big fan of COD or Battlefield but playing online with them for an hour or 2 a couple times a week sure brings me back to the old days in our college apartment. I'm sure we will play quite a bit of Halo 4 online too though.
I've played the last 5 modern CoD games single player (MW, WaW, MW2, BO, MW3), and while they're definitely NOT the main focus of development, I have to say that I find that Treyarch does a pretty decent job in terms of campaigns. I've found that Infinity Ward has either stopped caring or simply gives less and less resources to it. Modern Warfare had a great campaign, but 2 and 3 were just a mess. I found that World at War and Black Ops had much better campaigns, or at least kept you guessing up to a point and made you THINK, as opposed to MW which was just "Shoot, move, shoot, move, repeat." I have BO2 coming as well for sure, as it's my wife's anniversary gift to me and i'm also psyched about it. I'm a little worried about Halo not arriving though as I have yet to get shipping confirmation.
I've played the last 5 modern CoD games single player (MW, WaW, MW2, BO, MW3), and while they're definitely NOT the main focus of development, I have to say that I find that Treyarch does a pretty decent job in terms of campaigns. I've found that Infinity Ward has either stopped caring or simply gives less and less resources to it. Modern Warfare had a great campaign, but 2 and 3 were just a mess. I found that World at War and Black Ops had much better campaigns, or at least kept you guessing up to a point and made you THINK, as opposed to MW which was just "Shoot, move, shoot, move, repeat." I have BO2 coming as well for sure, as it's my wife's anniversary gift to me and i'm also psyched about it. I'm a little worried about Halo not arriving though as I have yet to get shipping confirmation.

I have Black Ops 2 preordered as well but I'm much more excited about Halo 4. Maybe I'll give BO2 single player a chance but I haven't with any of them since Modern Warfare 2. For my purposes with past COD games (online only) I expect it to be more of the same. A fun, light shooter to play with my buddies but nothing I get too into. For us it's more background noise than anything else while we joke around and catch up over party chat. That definitely has a place for me but I just don't get as excited for that kind of experience as I do for single player campaigns like Mass Effect, Halo, Gears, Uncharted, Dead Space, or even Borderlands. If I can get into the single player of BO2 maybe that will change.
Just found out this horrible news..
I just got my copy on the way back from voting. Unfortunately I can't play until after work. Stupid responsibility....
Yeah, I'm going to Redbox (and maybe keep) it. I haven't played Halo since 3.
You didn't miss much. ODST was... well... whatever and Reach went and scrambled up the Multiplayer without bringing in any significantly positive changes.

Also to comment on my previous post, I got the email confirmation today that my copy of Halo 4 shipped out yesterday. Still, it is rather annoying that my next two games that are arriving are both FPSes. Per my tradition I usually won't touch multiplayer until I beat the single player or at least learn enough about the weapons and such beforehand. It's nice to know that both games aren't implementing that Online Pass bullsh*t.
Im getting it tonight at lunch and then I have to go to back to work and got vote.. but tonight Im looking forward to playing the single player also. Ive been waiting for a good shooter to come out and I almost got MW3 last week for the single player... now I am wondering if I should get Uncharted 3 now since I have the first two but never picked up the 3rd and wait for Halo for awhile.
Not much of a Halo, MW guy but I completed the MW3 single player in about 4 hours. Better off renting it.

Cheers, K
Not much of a competitive multiplayer guy, Halo 3 was probably one of my favorite co-op experiences this console generation though. The COD with the night vision C-130 Specter mission is probably one of my favorite single player FPS games... 2nd only to the 1st or 2nd COD... the one that took you through Stalingrad like the movie Enemy at the Gates.

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Im getting it tonight at lunch and then I have to go to back to work and got vote.. but tonight Im looking forward to playing the single player also. Ive been waiting for a good shooter to come out and I almost got MW3 last week for the single player... now I am wondering if I should get Uncharted 3 now since I have the first two but never picked up the 3rd and wait for Halo for awhile.
If you want a decent Single Player CoD experience you're better off picking up Black Ops, World at War or even MW1. 2 and 3 were to 1 what the Star Wars Prequels were to the original trilogy.
I don't know whats with Amazon... but I preordered it months ago... and it still hasn't shipped yet.

Amazon's Shipping has gone WAY DOWN HILL over the past few months.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I don't know whats with Amazon... but I preordered it months ago... and it still hasn't shipped yet.

Amazon's Shipping has gone WAY DOWN HILL over the past few months.

What I've found is that if you preorder too early, they will oftentimes only later make release day delivery an option, but not upgrade preorders made prior to that to release day delivery.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
What I've found is that if you preorder too early, they will oftentimes only later make release day delivery an option, but not upgrade preorders made prior to that to release day delivery.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
I was going to suggest that. Maybe you ordered before the date was established and it didn't automatically upgrade you to Release Day shipping. I'd shoot Amazon an email and complain and maybe they'll give you something. If you REALLY want the game now just walk into a Gamestop or any retail store. Believe me they'll have tons of copies of it. Preordering nowadays is pointless since every store gets hundreds of copies of major AAA releases, unless you're a stickler for pre-order bonuses, which usually suck. The best one I ever saw was when Guitar Hero 5 gave you Guitar Hero Van Halen for free if you did a pre-order. Can't remember when a preorder of a game would give you access to an unreleased game. I was going to just do the Gamefly thing with it but when I saw that I pounced.
I don't know whats with Amazon... but I preordered it months ago... and it still hasn't shipped yet.

Amazon's Shipping has gone WAY DOWN HILL over the past few months.

I wouldn't give up hope yet. I have preordered video games from amazon lots of times because they sometimes have very attractive bonuses like a $20 credit towards your next amazon purchase. Quite a few times my copies have shown up anyways even though I got no email notification. For some reason amazon isn't as good about notifying with preorders as they are for normal orders but my experience is that you will get it day one if you preorder. Like yourbeliefs said you don't have to preorder to get games on day one anymore. Walmart, Target, Meijer, etc... will likely have copies in stock but I think it's still worth it if you know you are buying a game for sure.

I disagree with him when he says the preorders usually suck though. My Borderlands 2 preorder gave me an extra character class to play for free and my COD Black OPs 2 preorder gave me an extra multiplayer map along with other things. Halo 4 wasn't as good as it only gave you character and gun skins but I see no downside to preordering, and like I said Amazon gives out $20 credits for game preorders pretty often. I generally pay the full price up front so I can just pick it up on release day but you can usually do it for as little as $5 down at gamestop and you usually get something free without paying anything extra.

Edit: I forgot you're in Connecticut. There is always the possibility that UPS is still behind in the northeast due to Sandy.
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I only play pc games, so can't really get excited about halo 4. What I am looking forward to playing is far cry 3. I think it's coming out Dec 4. Far cry 2 is a big dissapointment in terms of game play, but hopefully fc3 will be a big improvement. But you just don't know with these games sometimes.

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