THe PANSAT 2500A's are finally in!
They are available for immediate shipment.
$169.00 shipped via FedEx Ground to anywhere in the CONTINENTAL US ONLY. (AK & HI will ship USPS for $10.00 more)
These units will be double boxed and not just shipped with a sticker slapped on it.
Payments methods are PayPal, Money Order, Cashiers Check, or GOOD Business Check. I will take personal checks(500 or higher), but will hold your shipment until the check clears.
How to get one:
Private Message me for payment directions and the number of receivers you want.(More than 1 unit gets a little break on shipping)
I will send you my PayPal email address and snail mail address for MO/check payments.
Include your email address. I will be sending you a tracking # when your item ships.
Thanks for your interest!
Hit PSB up for Winegard 30" Dish, SG2100 motor and LNB. He is completing this group buy with an awesome deal on the rest of the equipment you need to get Free-to-air programming.