Taken from Dishpointer.com for your approx. install location aiming at 103w.
Your Location: Saint John, NB, CA
Latitude: 45.2733°
Longitude: -66.0633°
Satellite Data
Name: 103W SES-3
Distance: 38937km
Dish Setup Data
Elevation: 26.4°
Azimuth (true): 226.6°
Azimuth (magn.): 243.4°
LNB Skew: 30.8°
Looking at the photos, i cannot tell if the mast is PERFECTLY plumb? If not, the elevation scale readings will not be correct and aiming will be very difficult. If it isn't PERFECTLY plumb, take a few minutes to make sure it is plumb fore/aft and side to side.
Do you have the TV outside at the dish so you can observe the Signal Quality meter reading as you SLOWLY pan the dish? If not, get the TV next to the dish. The analog meter only tells you when the dish is aimed at a satellite and nothing about if it is the correct satellite or the Signal Quality for optimizing or adjusting the LNBF skew. You must be viewing the Signal Quality meter reading to locate, aim and optimize.
The face of the offset dish should be almost vertical when aimed at at satellite of 26 degrees elevation. The photo of the elevation scale shows an incorrect elevation angle for 103w at your location. The dish is aimed too high. My guess is that you are aimed at a high powered DirecTV satellite a little further to the East.
The LNBF rotation (Skew) does appear to be 31 degrees. Looks more like 20 degrees or less? Could be the angle of the photo.
From the reading on the analog meter, the dish is aimed at a satellite, but not 103w satellite.
The 11760 transponder on 103w satellite may be more difficult for you to lock especially in NB, Canafa and should instead locate the 103w satellite using a stronger transponder of 12145 V 20000.
Even better, instead first time finding a satellite, aim at a satellite closer your longitude, like SES2 at 87w transponder 11811 H 11150.
Here is the dish aiming coordinates for 87w from your approx location in NB:
Your Location
Latitude: 45.2733°
Longitude: -66.0633°
Satellite Data
Name: 87W SES-2
Distance: 38277km
Dish Setup Data
Elevation: 33.9°
Azimuth (true): 208.3°
Azimuth (magn.): 225.2°
LNB Skew: 19.5°
Another better first satellite to aim at that has a good signal footprint in your region would be 97w, Galaxy 19, transponder 12152 H 20000
Aiming coordinates:
Your Location
Latitude: 45.2733°
Longitude: -66.0633°
Satellite Data
Name: 97W GALAXY 19 (G-19)
Distance: 38652km
Dish Setup Data
Elevation: 29.6°
Azimuth (true): 220.1°
Azimuth (magn.): 237.0°
LNB Skew [?]: 27.0°
Hope this helps. Patience and a TV at the dish will pay off!