Going from 2 rooms to 4 rooms


New Member
Original poster
Dec 30, 2004
I'm new to the forum and have been impressed with the quality of the advice I've seen. I hope someone can help me with my situation.

I currently have a DVR501 going to a plasma (FR) and an 301 going to an LCD TV (LR). I'm building out the basement with a AV room. I've ordered an HDTV TV for the room. I also want to add a TV in an upstairs bedroom.

The goal is to go from 2 rooms to 4 and upgrade as I do. Upgrade the 501 to a 510. Put a DVR921 in the basement AV room and share a DVR522 between the upstairs bedroom and the LR.

Question: With my 500 dish, can I reasonably expand this myself? Get a quad LNBF, use a DP34, run some RG6... etc.

Any serious advice would be appreciated. :confused:
Welcome aboard! :)

Not having any idea what your skills are, there's no way to answer that question.

Suffice it to say that competent handymen can typically git-r-done. Aiming is the hardest part - and a Twin / Quad swap is no change to that - but see below.

You sound like you've thought it through - but you don't state what the current outdoor gear is, so I can't confirm your plan is the most economical. You may not ned the Quad. DP Twin, DP34 (522 & 921), and a DP21 on the cascade outputs for the 501.

Also, have you considered the third bird - the 921 might like 61.5/148 for CBS-HD.
Simple Simon, thanks for your reply. I have seen your advice many times as I have perused this site.

I am a humble electrical engineer by trade. While computers and servers, etc are readily within my realm of skills, satellite reception and distribution are areas I have no experience with, hence my posting.

I have a 500 dish with a dual LNBF. One connection goes to my 501 in the FR and the other goes to my LR 301. It that simple. As opposed to calling Dish to expand, I'm giving this avenue a try.

Well, no way an EE could do this - they know too much. :D
BTW, I've been working with 'puters for 35 years. I have no doubt you can read the install schematics you've seen.

I also doubt you have a "500 dish with a dual LNBF". ;) It's most likely a Twin, but we still don't know if it's DishPro or Legacy. Lok for the "dp" logo and/or your Check Switch screens.

If DishPro, get the DP34 and DP21 to handle your 5 tuners - assuming you can live with the limitation of no third bird for the 501/510 that will attach to the DP21.

Remember - I'm thinking beyond the simple two to four room upgrade.

Thanks for the return post. I did as you recommended and I do indeed have "DP" in my model ID under check switch. Do you know of a good source of an installation schematic utilizing a DP34 and DP21 yo suggested. As mentioned, my main goal for now is to extent my current configuration to 4 rooms. This "3rd bird" you mentioned still eludes me. What's that all about?

Also, I wouldn't mind the ability to communicate with you directly via email. Is this something we can arrange?

Thanks, TonyI
Some customers need access to a third satellite in order to receive all their programming - typically locals. That's what the third input on a DP34 is for. It's the switch supplied with a SuperDish (110/119 and either 105 or 121). It's also often used with a "wing dish" (61.5 or 148 typically using a Dish300).

The DP34 has cascade or pass-through outputs of the raw satellite inputs.

If you are only using two of the inputs, a DP21 can be connected to the cascade outputs to drive a fifth tuner (NOT on a dual-tuner box).

The reference to not needing the "third bird" for the fifth tuner is that there is no such thing as a DP31 switch. Ya starting to get the hang of the numbering scheme? ;)

I only check my listed email occassionally. You're better off PM'ing me, or AIM'ing me. Click on my UserID for options.

721 acting up in the middle of the night

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