only thing i need to work out now is how to get the signal to all three rooms...
I assume i need a multiswitch to do that?
confused on tht one cause it only has one output.
If the dish and feedhorn are round (not elliptical) you could replace your LNB & feed with an aftermarket Standard unit that has two outputs.
Then, you could hook those two outputs to a 2x4, 3x4, 4x8 or 5x8 multiswitch,.
Some of the bigger switches are actually cheaper or easier to find.
For instance, the WNC 4x8 and Zinwell/DirecTV 6x8 (actually just a 4x8 with attitude) could be free to $12.
Here in the
Switches Simplified FAQ is how to wire it.
If you go with the 4-input models, you could add an additional dish/LNBF at a later time.
If you insist on using Universal LNBFs then you must use 2- or 3-input multiswitches.
Another choice is to use a 4-output LNBF (they are all Universal)
No switch required.
If the dish 'n feedhorn are elliptical, then you need a bolt-on LNB that will mate with your custom feedhorn.
If that's the case, we'll discuss some choices, including a recycled DishNet bandstacked LNB.
I won't pound away at the keyboard discussing something you probably won't go with unless it seems necessary.