I had a little problem getting the Panasonic Bd-35 to work with my Onkyo 805. Seems the Panasonic reverts to automatic over the HDMI and the Onkyo checks over HDMI for 1080p first. Since my Pioneer 630HD DVI is 1080i I would get great sound but no video. To solve that I had to hook up the componet and leave the HDMI hooked up also. I had to move the Onkyo back and forth between the Panny and the TV in order to get the setup menu for the Panney to show up on the tv. If I left it on the componet it would default to the HDMI and 1080p. If I just unhooked the HDMI I could not adjust the HDMI in the setup.
This sure was a pain to figure out and took me a little bet of time to figure out how to adjust the setup.. After getting the HDMI set to 1080i my problem was over. But this sure was a rediculous way to the Panasonic and Onkyo to play nice together. I guess if I had a 1080p set this would not of been a problem but you think that Panasonic would have a 720p initial setup so that this type of problem would not occur.
My initial oppinion of the BD-35 compared to my PS3 is first -- it is much quietier. Second, the audio has more base response - I am bitstreaming to my Onkyo. Third, it is sharper and brighter then the PS3 output. I have read where some say that there is not that much differance between the PS3 and the Panny BD-35 but if that differance is noticable and improves the playback, especially on 1080i --- then it is definately in the right direction. Maybe if my Pioneer was 1080p there would not be that much differance but the Panny definately puts out a better picture for 1080i and having the bass and LFE be more responsive to me is a big plus. I would definately recomend the Pannasonic DMP-BD 35 as a replacement to the PS3 especially if you are viewing your HD in 1080i.
This sure was a pain to figure out and took me a little bet of time to figure out how to adjust the setup.. After getting the HDMI set to 1080i my problem was over. But this sure was a rediculous way to the Panasonic and Onkyo to play nice together. I guess if I had a 1080p set this would not of been a problem but you think that Panasonic would have a 720p initial setup so that this type of problem would not occur.
My initial oppinion of the BD-35 compared to my PS3 is first -- it is much quietier. Second, the audio has more base response - I am bitstreaming to my Onkyo. Third, it is sharper and brighter then the PS3 output. I have read where some say that there is not that much differance between the PS3 and the Panny BD-35 but if that differance is noticable and improves the playback, especially on 1080i --- then it is definately in the right direction. Maybe if my Pioneer was 1080p there would not be that much differance but the Panny definately puts out a better picture for 1080i and having the bass and LFE be more responsive to me is a big plus. I would definately recomend the Pannasonic DMP-BD 35 as a replacement to the PS3 especially if you are viewing your HD in 1080i.