Okay assuming Voom goes dark and other arrangements are not made, the stb box becomes a doorstop within a couple weeks.
Now I've still got a perfectly good OTA antenna attached to the dish but the feed was combined with the satellite feed with the diplexers. A signal which, if I understand correctly, also contains power and cannot just be hooked up to the OTA tuner on my set.
What would I need to do to split out the OTA feed and send that to the OTA tuner in my set?
Now I've still got a perfectly good OTA antenna attached to the dish but the feed was combined with the satellite feed with the diplexers. A signal which, if I understand correctly, also contains power and cannot just be hooked up to the OTA tuner on my set.
What would I need to do to split out the OTA feed and send that to the OTA tuner in my set?