get a remote extender or dbs lnb?

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Collector of Space Beams
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 8, 2004
Dayton, OH
I have a $50 Radio Shack gift card care of their DishNetwork promotion I used. :)

But I want to use it toward expansion of my FTA setup (hence I posted this here, but move it if you must). I went and bought a remote control extender and am very disappointed. It's way too weak in both regards (RF from transmitter to receiver, and IR from receiver to components) for me to use it. If anyone has suggestions on improving its ranges I'd appreciate it. I'm really not going far, just through some walls and stuff. The IR would be like 10 feet away, and I even tried its "repeater" with no better luck.

Alternatively I've been considering a DBS LNB such as this one but am not sure if it would be worth it by the time I also find and buy a switch. That one is made for DirecTV I believe, but it should work to get the Dish Network FTA channels, right? For how much and where would I find a good switch?

I'm still probably going to return the extender and worry about that later. But would you guys then suggest I get the DBS LNB? Or if that wouldn't work, any other RatShack ideas for cool FTA expansion? :D

P.S. More FTA relevant stuff, I'm watching ABC News Now and Gigi Stone is very fine. :shocked :cool: Too bad the giftcard can't be used to get her. :(
I would go the DBS LNB route, but I would sniff out a free or cheap DBS LNBF, garage sales are good, the single DirecTV/Dish LNB's are more or less useless these days as most folks have more than one TV in their home so they can be picked up REALLY cheap, its worth it for GOL TV alone but there is always something in the clear on DBS (NASA), and all you need to do is zip tie it to the KU LNBF, run a second run of RG6, to a simple A/B switch and then you have ALL the FTA DBS channels, better than anything the Shack can offer, well you may need to get the A/B switch there : ) Just my opinion!
I've used a couple of different A/B select switches, and if they're like what you're talking about, I wouldn't think they would do well in this environment. Just in using them for cable/video game signals, they always made bad connections. Have you successfully used them in any installations? I was actually thinking of a DiSEqC switch but don't really know what I would be looking for.
I am using one right now! A big old fashioned one and I switch between Ku and DBS at the flick of the switch, cant beat it one less thing to go wrong, it works for me but of course a simple 2/1 DiSEqC switch can do this electronically with just one coax, but as I said coax is cheap and seldom goes bad.
Hmm, I should also mention I've been considering looking at OTA digital, and could get an antenna to put in my attic (or on my roof if really necessary) such as this one. Anyone know what the cheapest Digital OTA tuner box is (no HD necessary)?

But if I do go with a DBS LNB I'd want a DiSEqC switch for best fit with my existing configuration. It seems has about the best price for a 2x1. ;) :)

Just to clarify a couple things first, though: Will a DirecTV LNB work to receive Dish Network FTA programming (same frequencies & polarization etc.)? Also, I've asked before, but hopefully Dish doesn't send ECM's down their FTA streams do they? Or if they do, a LEGAL receiver is immune to them?
TuxCoder said:
Hmm, I should also mention I've been considering looking at OTA digital, and could get an antenna to put in my attic (or on my roof if really necessary) such as this one. Anyone know what the cheapest Digital OTA tuner box is (no HD necessary)?

dont get that antenna unless your HD channels are on VHF
Get a 15-2160. UHF only and much better
Just to clarify a couple things first, though: Will a DirecTV LNB work to receive Dish Network FTA programming (same frequencies & polarization etc.)? Also, I've asked before, but hopefully Dish doesn't send ECM's down their FTA streams do they? Or if they do, a LEGAL receiver is immune to them?
yes a direct LNB will work. I have a Direct dual LNB going to my ExpressVu and my FTA.
As for the ECM' It wont hurt that. Its just the illegal boxes :)
Iceberg, thanks for the clarification. I didn't realize that's a VHF antenna. My DT locals are UHF. Also thanks for the reassurance about ECM's. I think I have decided now on getting that LNB.

But, I'll leave it as an open question for anyone out there, if you know of any cheap but capable digital OTA tuner boxes <= $100, I'd love to hear about them. HD not necessary at this point.
The antenna you posted is a VHF/UHF but its a small one and UHF is hindered.

The one I posted (15-2160...or if you can get a 15-2162 which is a huge UHF only antenna) would work much better. Where our lake cabin is, all TV is UHF translators, and a UHF only antenna works much better than a combo.
Well I returned the remote extender and got the DBS LNB. It had been opened (likely returned) which I'm normally leary of but decided to try anyways since (a) it's essentially free with my gift card (credit from remote extender), (b) of course I could return it if it didn't work, (c) it was the only one in the store.

I went up there and rigged my own spacer out of my lifetime supply of old PC expansion slot filler plates :D and ziptied it next to the Ku LNB. It works like a charm! Following Iceberg's suggestion I played with the USALS position of the satellites and figured out my separation to be approximately 6.5 degrees.

I got all the stuff posted in the 18" dish FAQ on this forum. Except, 9900, "Congratulations you have a Dish 500 system!" seems scrambled. Maybe someone could verify?
I'll have to check tonight, but because Bingo TV is on the same channel now, they may have scrambled that
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