GameStop/EB PS3 pre-order shortages


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
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Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
Not looking too good for pre-orders. Looks like the PS3 is going to be in even tighter supply that what was thought. GS/ were going to do pre-orders but have now put this up.

Due to the high demand and limited availability of the PlayStation system, we will begin offering online bundles only after our initial in-store pre-orders are filled, which is anticipated before Christmas. We will update this page when new information is available.

If you pre-ordered a PlayStation 3 in-store, you will be contacted by Wednesday evening, regarding launch availability.
It's official.

GameStop not getting enough PS3s to fill preorders

Retailer's launch allocations not expected to cover original batch of reservations; employees "asked" to wait until second shipment to buy systems.

Last month, retailer GameStop began accepting "limited" pre-orders for the PS3, asking customers to put down $100 in advance for the system, with a modest expectation of eight units per store in most cases. Now it appears the largest gaming specialty chain in North America won't be receiving even that many systems.

A GameStop representative told GameSpot today that the company received launch allocation numbers from Sony, and that it won't be able to fill its existing PS3 preorders. The representative declined to comment on how many systems GameStop expected to receive, or how short of that figure the company's share of systems would be.

"We are beginning to notify our customers that our initial shipment of PS3 systems will not be what we expected," the representative said. "As this is not an ideal situation, we are asking employees to wait to purchase systems until the second shipment. We are anticipating having systems to cover reservations before Christmas."

For launch day, preorders will be filled in the order they were received, and those who had a preorder but are denied a system on day one will receive something for their troubles. GameStop will give those unfortunate customers (as well as unfortunate employees) a free used game or DVD valued at $19.99 or less when they eventually wind up purchasing the system.

Those who reserved a system won't need to wait long to find out if they can expect a system on launch day. Starting tomorrow, customers who preordered a PS3 will be contacted personally by phone and updated on the status of their reservation, the rep said.
And while it might be a nonissue considering the clamor for consumers to get their hands on the coveted systems, GameStop is also asking anyone with a confirmed preorder to pick their systems up by Saturday evening.

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Apparently, My store in southern VA were alloted 16. I just got a call from the manager, I was #1 to preorder, and was asked if I wanted to pick my PS3 up on Sat. Obviously, I said NO. He then told me that he was calling all people on the list to ask if they would be willing to wait 2 weeks to pick theirs up as their allotment got cut to 8. He said the people that waited would get any used game in the store for $20. He then said that it was very stressful right now. I then asked him how would they be giving out the preorders, first come first serve, or in the order that the customers pre ordered. He said that he has to finish calling and will then decide how he will do that. THIS SUCKs. Now I might have to camp out for my preorder, which i camped out for as well. He did sound very stressed out and was nice about everything. THe only thing I cant figure out is why he asked if I was picking up mine on Saturday. Did he plan on giving mine away then when i come in on Sat he says I'll have to wait for the next shipment? It's all a little sketchy.
I just called mine. 1st come 1st serve on Friday. They are now getting 6 instead of 8.
Nope. I have seen post on some of the game boards saying the same thing. I don't know if it's store-by-store or corporate rule.
Try to buy one of the top loading nintendos off of ebay. It won't be cheap though.
So what did it go from... 2,000,000 to possible onlty 150k ?
Well they did had a quality problem a couple of months ago, My guess is that there wasn't enough time to manufacture the 2 million units.

If M$ get aggresive and lower the cost of the 360 enough, there will be problems for Sony. With games Like Gears of War, Call of Duty 3, Rainbow 6 Vegas and Sprinter Cell the X360 can be the gift that everyone wants.

Apparently, My store in southern VA were alloted 16. ... He then told me that he was calling all people on the list to ask if they would be willing to wait 2 weeks to pick theirs up as their allotment got cut to 8.

Allotment was cut from 16 to 8. Hmmm, I'm willing to bet there are 8 employees in that store! ;)

I had heard that the blue laser diode is in short supply. I work in an electronics manufacturing environment, and a shortage of a main component like that can cause tremendous pain.
I saw a report from one of the Sony people, stating that they have air freighters lined up, as soon as they get one loaded with pallets from the manufacturing plant, it takes off.

Edit: Shin, I wouldn't trust those numbers from that site anymore. EB/GS based pre-orders off the number of units Sony said they would have. Sony cut the promised number of units to them last week.

Apparently, My store in southern VA were alloted 16. I just got a call from the manager, I was #1 to preorder, and was asked if I wanted to pick my PS3 up on Sat. Obviously, I said NO. He then told me that he was calling all people on the list to ask if they would be willing to wait 2 weeks to pick theirs up as their allotment got cut to 8. He said the people that waited would get any used game in the store for $20. He then said that it was very stressful right now. I then asked him how would they be giving out the preorders, first come first serve, or in the order that the customers pre ordered. He said that he has to finish calling and will then decide how he will do that. THIS SUCKs. Now I might have to camp out for my preorder, which i camped out for as well. He did sound very stressed out and was nice about everything. THe only thing I cant figure out is why he asked if I was picking up mine on Saturday. Did he plan on giving mine away then when i come in on Sat he says I'll have to wait for the next shipment? It's all a little sketchy.

EB/GS is doing this because of ebayer. Everyday sence the EB Game's preorder date, people been putting there preorder up for bids. Sony probably told EB games to find a way to shut them preorder down. Because, there are more eb/gs preorder on ebay than any other store that allowed preorder. Think about this. If it was shut a shortage, than how come toys r us is not affected or FYE and how come bestbuy, circuit city and other retailers are getting so many.
Toys R Us only had 5 or 6 pre-orders per store. Amazon did pre-orders but canceled all of them last week. FYE has notified all pre-order people that they will not have any on launch day. Best Buy, Circuit City, & CompUSA did not do pre-orders. Wal-mart has only done a very limited number on their website, none in stores.

I honestly don't think Sony cares about E-bay. Whoever buys it will then buy the games to go with it.

I just got the call from my GS. I can pick mine up Friday @10.
I live in Baltimore, Maryland and I was number 2 of 8 to get a toys r us preorder in my area. I was looking for toys r us to do the same as eb games, but toy r us said, all order will be filled.

I can't explain the feelings I am having. But I got the feeling the ps3 is going to be like the dreamcast. I am thinking sony is going to drop from under the ps3, like sega did the dreamcast. Sony is having major problem from the notebook batteries and it is getting worse. Maximum PC has more battery recalling listing this month and it's bigger than last months list.

So, If my ps3 prorder gets cancelled or push back. I'm going to toys r us and get my money and then I'm going to go online to a website that is selling the lamps for my 50" KDS-R50XBR1 tv and buy two of them for the future, incase sony goes under.
FYE has notified all pre-order people that they will not have any on launch day.

FYE preorder is still selling on ebay, like hot cakes. Someone should warn those bidder than. It's best to do your homework before bidding.

Im leaving out the door now to bestbuy for the PS3...

Smash My PS3

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