GAFTA (Girlfriends Against FTA)

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Resident Bozo
Original poster
Jun 2, 2012
Northern, VT
Am starting to think my girlfriend is the founder member of Girlfriends Against FTA support group.

When I have time this month am putting up a 6 foot WSI dish and she doesn't approve. Tried to explain to her FTA is a hobby to no avail. I mentioned I enjoy the challenge of constantly tweeking, scanning and searching for new inteesting things to watch. Now its gotten so bad she got my mother involved who said I refuse to grow up !?!? IE- Growing up in the late 80s, we had a 10ft mesh, and my first experience w/ it was watching Heatcliff on USA (satellite G4 IIRC) and I use to erase and reprogram the receiver out of sheer boredom...How does your partner feel about FTA and dishes, or am I the captain and sole occupant of this boat?

Cheers, K
NEXT. If she is just a GF then ---- goodby. no regrets from me. I was married to one for 9 years and gave up my ham radio for her... But she did not give up her 4 boyfriends for me or our 4 kids. RVMOM1 helps me have fun -- when it is with her especially. No ONE who controls (destroys) your joy is worth keeping around. Now, if you are married, that is a covenant, so even if you entered it with your eyes closed you are in it. My Ex divorced me for her wonderful, loving BF who went to prison, twice, for child molestation. My kids.
Ok. Here's what you do. Tell her you've changed your mind and decided to take up bass fishing. First you have to go buy a 20k bass boat. Then buy all the equipment. Then you will be gone most weekends. .... My wife didn't say much after I told her that. Although she wasn't complaining a lot to begin with. But at least with FTA. Your home most of the time. Keeps ya out of bars. Ect.
Women always take things away from men they need some space in the house. what does that mean it means get rid of your stuff to make room for her stuff. You could be going to bars cheating on her or getting in to trouble with the law. This is a good hobby that keeps you out of trouble. Women don't get the male mind its easy to figure out. Thats why I am single keep your money instead of spending on her and kids.

Dan Rose
NEXT. If she is just a GF then ---- goodby. no regrets from me. I was married to one for 9 years and gave up my ham radio for her... But she did not give up her 4 boyfriends for me or our 4 kids. RVMOM1 helps me have fun -- when it is with her especially. No ONE who controls (destroys) your joy is worth keeping around. Now, if you are married, that is a covenant, so even if you entered it with your eyes closed you are in it. My Ex divorced me for her wonderful, loving BF who went to prison, twice, for child molestation. My kids.
that's a sad story rv1pop
Kraven your mate should always want you to be happy(that's L-O-V-E). think about it don't you want her to be happy ?
other wise your in a BS relationship. but what do i know............. been with the same Lady since 1976. good luck
Well I have been down this road a couple of times, and ya try to make it work, blah blah. In the end you end up with a divorce and who knows how many years of wasted life...its not worth it. My current wife was skeptical at first, but being a loving wife she just watched, but I could tell she wanted to say more than she did. Now she watches it more than I do. (I spend more time tinkering than actually watching.)

Let me guess she gripes at you for actually learning something and staying out of trouble, but she spends all day on Facebook and if you tried to take that away it would be "over". Just continue to enjoy the hobby and make sure you spend time with her too, but if she wants to leave you over a hobby like this....well whats the old saying there are plenty of fish in the sea.
I might have jumped the gun on this. She doesnt 'hate' FTA, her position is the 6 footer would be an eyesore.
Its life I guess, but its still going up no matter what since its my house.

Cheers, K
I might have jumped the gun on this. She doesnt 'hate' FTA, her position is the 6 footer would be an eyesore.
Its life I guess, but its still going up no matter what since its my house.

Cheers, K

Well then she will get over it..;).....but go for a 10-12 footer instead of 6 right off the bat, that way when you realize that you want to go bigger you will have no grief over it. I can tell you right now if you go six it will make you want a bigger one, 6 won't quite get everything.:)
I would paint the dish to blend in with the background. My 6 footer is an eyesore too. I find that the mesh dishes blend in with the trees better in my yard. My personal opinion is don't give away too much power or "decision making" because it can become a LARGE problem in relationships.
"Paint" it like a giant Flower.... I dug a flower bed around our BUD, for my wife to put her rose bushes.... Then, I had to put an electric fence around that to prevent the deer from eating the roses... But it looks better.
Most women believe that they will be able to "change" the things about you that they don't like after they marry you. Men probably believe that they can change the wife as well. Problem with that is, what they see while you're dating will probably get worse, not better down the road. So if she's a bitch and a nag now, look for that to get worse after you marry her because it's likely that you haven't planted your last satellite dish post either!!;)

My Wife and I have an agreement. I pretty much do what I want, when I want with whomever I want and she does the same. You CANNOT dictate how to live to anyone and expect them to be happy. She and I both came out of bad marriages so we have a good understanding of what DOESN'T WORK.

Oh, BTW, I own two race cars, two enclosed car trailers, two trucks and two large satellite dishes and if you look at my sig, a little over a year ago Randy Williams had given me a 12 footer that would be up now had he not of screwed me out of it! :D I still have that post and I'm always on the lookout for a new "project"!
I personally think a dish is a beautiful thing... anyways, this town prides itself on being "picturesque", so am actually going out of my way to make sure the neighbours dont see it due to the hedges on the property. Painting it is definetely an option on the table as the metallic color isnt going to fly.. personally I would have prefered a 6ft mesh but those where impossible to find. The WSI deal was something I couldnt refuse.

Cheers, K
Well I've got the same problem as the OP. The girlfriend says a six-foot dish is an eyesore. We jointly own the house 50-50 so sometimes there has got to be compromise. I would have a six footer by now but I understand that she doesn't want a big dish sullying her backyard garden.

Whatever. I can spend my time otherwise, with my bicycles, boats or woodworking. It means I miss some baseball games on C-band but that's about all I care about. I have enough tinkering and playing around to do anyway.

Every good relationship has give and take. She does virtually all the gardening. I hate gardening so that's good for me.
My wife actually gave me a push to get my C band going several years ago! We were unhappy with the pizza service and so I bought a 4DTV receiver on Ebay and never looked back! (And then a FTA receiver and another and another...!!! ;))

The only catches are:
The wires have to be fairly neat and what I have has to be used and not just collecting dust. So I guess you can say that she makes me watch TV! The dishes are kind of outback but that is also where the LOS is the best at my location. :D
I can't stand when people tell you to "grow up" just because they don't understand something you are doing. Those people imho are not worth being around.
Ok. Here's what you do. Tell her you've changed your mind and decided to take up bass fishing. First you have to go buy a 20k bass boat. Then buy all the equipment. Then you will be gone most weekends. .... My wife didn't say much after I told her that. Although she wasn't complaining a lot to begin with. But at least with FTA. Your home most of the time. Keeps ya out of bars. Ect.
That was the response mine gave the neighbors when they said that I spend too much time playing with my dishes.
I might have jumped the gun on this. She doesnt 'hate' FTA, her position is the 6 footer would be an eyesore.
Its life I guess, but its still going up no matter what since its my house.

Cheers, K
Right on the money!!! :D
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How to manaully figure out what a dish elevation is at?

Digiwave 30"X32" Dish

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