Funny Feeling


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 20, 2005
Gibsonia, PA
I have a funny feeling that Dish Network will make available several additional national HD channels this Wednesday (OCT 1st). I can't wait to see this week's uplink reports to see if my feeling is correct. In the past they made new programming available mid week and on the first of the month. For example when Turbo HD was introduced on August 1st.
I have a funny feeling that Dish Network will make available several additional national HD channels this Wednesday (OCT 1st). I can't wait to see this week's uplink reports to see if my feeling is correct. In the past they made new programming available mid week and on the first of the month. For example when Turbo HD was introduced on August 1st.
Doubtful. Is any new national HD even uplinked now? It's always up for at least a week before it's made available.
Doubtful. Is any new national HD even uplinked now? It's always up for at least a week before it's made available.

There are quite a number of "TMP" HDs uplinked. They have been there quite some time. I wonder if someone with TSReader can see if any are using bandwidth.

One of them (Dish or Direct) should do something. I think they may be waiting for one to jump so the other can out do them a few weeks later.
I don't have that feeling, all signs keep saying more HD in November.

However with that said I would be THRILLED if it was true. Dish needs some good positive news at the moment. Everything about Dish has been so negative lately.
I don't have that feeling, all signs keep saying more HD in November.

However with that said I would be THRILLED if it was true. Dish needs some good positive news at the moment. Everything about Dish has been so negative lately.

Hmm, that makes me think, when do they announce 3rd quarter results? This year if I remember many launches occured or were were announced around earnings announcements to offset negative news (or put an exclamation point on positive news).
I have a funny feeling that Dish Network will make available several additional national HD channels this Wednesday (OCT 1st). I can't wait to see this week's uplink reports to see if my feeling is correct. In the past they made new programming available mid week and on the first of the month. For example when Turbo HD was introduced on August 1st.

So how long do we wait today until we decide there are no new channels? midnight?:hungry:

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