Fu HD coming to GuyTv...

Oh, well...can't win 'em all I guess. They'll still show good movies sometimes too, right?

Just kidding, sort of. I realize these are popular movies to some, but for the most part I've found them to be unwatchable. Where's WorldCinema or FilmFest when you need 'em? :D
Personally, I too want to see all Cinema10 channels as soon as possible...however, this will have to suffice. FuHD, while not my favorite channel, has a some ass-kickingly good movies; and what's not to like about the Ass Kick of the Day?

Anyway, FU E*, V* and all of you people....Kung FU HD that is. :rolleyes:
Sean Mota said:
According to the schedule expect to see KungFu Movies return to GuyTv HD starting in June....

Good news will come the day they add more Voom channels.
I'm afraid however, we should expect that this IS the way things are going to go. No new additions of the old Cine10 just more compilations.
Sean Mota said:
According to the schedule expect to see KungFu Movies return to GuyTv HD starting in June....
They did it. They merged Guy, Vice & Fu into one channel. Hope they seperate them sometime soon. It was really nice having the seperate genres.
Haha HD movies have also been on Guy TV

Which are the ones on Majestic?

probably some divine (they used to put the musicals on that channel)
What I don't understand is why not put, at least, 2 more voom channels up.

If they use 3 channels/transponder and they added 10, that is 3 full transponders and one with only 1 channel on it. There is room to add Family Channel and another RIGHT NOW for no cost!

What are they waiting for?

I for one, do NOT like these merged channels. If they merge them, then TAKE THE NAMES OFF. It is NOT GuyTV anymore, it is a compiliation of 5 channels now.
It started today with the Japanese Cinema... Fu HD is back!. Now the only one that we have not seen is World cinema.
Why call it GuyTV now?

It is a ripoff of a name to call it something it is not!

Should call it 'Voom Cinema 1'

They do not seem to be working very hard to sell voom to other services, or other services are not interested in voom.

Been a month, no nibbles, takers.....

HDnet Movies: Angel Heart 11:30pm ET

HDnet Movies: Stigmata 12am ET

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