Free Premium for 12 months


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 17, 2010
Western Hemisphere
I have to say, what a clusterf**k this free premium promo is turning out to be. I contacted 3 online chat CSRs today and all 3 gave me different info.

CSR 1: You have to call in on 2/1 to activate your free 12-month premium. You cannot have the 3 month Starz promo at the same time as the 12-month promo, so if you want Starz for 12-months you would have to drop the 3 months promo first. But apparently, you could drop the 3-months and add the 12-months in the same call. Also, Flex customers are elligible for the free 12 month premium but not Pay in Advance customers???

CSR 2: Had no idea. Call back on 2/1 he said.

CSR 3: Was not certain about Flex customers getting the free premium. Call back on 2/1 he said. For the 12-month premium, apparently everyone gets it automatically on 2/1. So if you have the Starz promo for 3 months, you automatically get Encore. He suggested I drop it now. Was not sure if I was guaranteed to get Starz for 12 months, if I dropped the 3 month promo the night before. Was not 100% sure I would get it even if I dropped it today ...

What a mess. In a way, I am glad because this mess will simply give all customers more amunition to call in and get the premium they want. Call centres and online chat will be real busy on 2/1... wow.

***EDIT*** : I finally got connected to a supervisor (who did not seem local) that confirmed the following: We can not assure you anything. Please contact us on 2/1 to see what promotions are elligible for you on 2/1.

I really was not asking what was available to me on 2/1. I want to know what I should do in order to ensure I get the premium I want, and if the premium is available to Flex customers.
Finally some clarity:

Thank you for contacting the Customer Loyalty Helpdesk, I will be handling your request today. Please give me a few minutes to review the agents previous chat so that I can help you with your issue.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Thank you for contacting the Customer Loyalty Helpdesk, please give me a moment to review the previous chat, If you need to reference this chat my name is Andrea and my operator ID is NPC.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: I’m very sorry to hear that you are having an issue. I’d be happy to resolve that for you.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Please give me 1-2 minutes to access your account and review your transcript with the previous agent.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: What are your concerns at this time.
Me: On 2/1, 5$ increase and free premium, right?
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Yes.
Me: Everyone who does not currently have Starz, gets Starz as their free premium on 2/1, right?
Me: What happens to people like me who have Starz as free 3-month promo? I hear they get Encore... If I want to avoid getting Encore, do I have to drop my 3 months Starz promo?
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: You will receive Encore.
Me: Ok, so do I have to drop my 3 months free Starz promo to make sure I get Starz as my free 12 month premium? If so, when do i have to drop it to make sure I get Starz for 12 months? Today, 1/31, not sure...
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: To be honest I understand what you are saying, but I am not 100% sure.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Let me talk with my executive office and see if I can find some clarification.
Me: That would be great.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: No problem.
Me: While you are with them, can you ask them if Flex customers qualify for the free 12 month premium?
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: The promotion about the 12 months for the free premiums does not matter if you have a Flex account with us or not.
Me: Excellent.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: They are double checking with there boss. I got them stumped if you will receive it or not.
Me: I love it.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Usually I don't have to ask either.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Okay, so I spoke with them and I was told if you remove it today then as of 2/1 you will get Starz for a year.
Me: Interesting. Do I have to remove it today, or can I wait until 1/31?
Me: No point losing a week of Starz if I don't have to.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: I would remove it today.
Me: Hmmm, so I have to lose a week to make sure I gain a year.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Correct.
Me: Hedge my bets that the system will qualify me, right.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Yes.
Me: Ok, so let's do that. Please remove my Starz promo
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: All set.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Me: Thanks for your assistance today.
(20 RF) Andrea S.NPC: Thank you for chatting with Dish Network and have a pleasant evening!
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

So, Flex = Yes to Free Premium.
If you have Starz promo, better drop it or you will most likely get Encore for 12-months on 2/1 and have to jump through hoops to get Starz.
Maybe you should have just waited until Feb. 1st.

End result is the same, except for all the headache you just gave yourself.

You've been around long enough to know that CSR's know nothing about upcoming promotions until the day they hit, or even later, haven't you?
well according to the CSR that I spoke with, since my Starz is a free promotion and I'm not subcribed to it.
It will not affect my getting the 30th anniversary 1 year of Starz.
I tend to believe this, because of the way my "happy holidays" Starz was added.
My account doesn't show Starz and my bill wasn't processed as in the past,
ie: Starz added, price shown and credits issued.
So "maybe" there is no need to cancel Starz "unless" you are actually paid to subscribe to it and want it as the free 1 year gift.

If they give me Encore I WILL call in and "hold" them to what I was told.
Maybe you should have just waited until Feb. 1st.

End result is the same, except for all the headache you just gave yourself.

You've been around long enough to know that CSR's know nothing about upcoming promotions until the day they hit, or even later, haven't you?

My main concern was to find out if Flex customers would get the premium. Once it was confirmed that I would get it, my concern revolved around the current 3 month Starz promo, and if it would cause an issue to get Starz free for a year.

I realize I probably wasted as much time now, as I would have on 2/1 calling in to get Encore changed for Starz. I suppose it became so frustrating that I could not get a straight answer, that I continued pushing until I got it.

There is now a note on my account from Loyalty that will guarantee me Starz as my premium, so I am not worried anymore.

I am just really curious to see how all the mechanics will work to get the premium, and how bad the call centre will get hammered with people calling in to "switch" their premium.

How many will prefer Platimum over Starz? How many will prefer to unsub Starz and swap their Encore for Starz? This will definitely be a mess.

I will post back here on 2/1 with results.

Just thought I would let everybody know what Loyalty and Exec HO told me, since there were a lot of posts wondering what to do and how it work.
What a mess! I currently have the 3-month Starz promotion, AT250 (which I think includes Encore), and the Platinum pack. It would appear I have to drop something in order to avoid the PPV coupons. :(
Just because we know something here does not mean that the CSRs have been briefed. CSRs are the last to know a lot of times and asking them in advance will just get you the wrong information. They will get an update and a nice script to follow when the time comes.
Well, turns out the Loyalty agent was right to tell me to drop Starz 1 week before. Looks like this was done in time for my account audit and I had Starz free for 12 months this morning when I woke up!
...I am just really curious to see how all the mechanics will work to get the premium, and how bad the call centre will get hammered with people calling in to "switch" their premium.

How many will prefer Platimum over Starz? How many will prefer to unsub Starz and swap their Encore for Starz?
FWIW, I just tried to switch my premium from Starz to Platinum and they wouldn't do it. Currently I have AT250 with no premiums or freebies (besides Starz). Guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but I already have Starz via Netflix. Platinum would have been nice.
Well, turns out the Loyalty agent was right to tell me to drop Starz 1 week before. Looks like this was done in time for my account audit and I had Starz free for 12 months this morning when I woke up!

I left my starz on, got up and had Encore but in SD so it was worthless.. tried chat, no help - went right to the phone and CSR fixed it all up.. perfect.

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