The last dish I rescued was a ten footer, and the guy asked that I not cut the pole at the ground, but instead take the whole thing out and remove the concrete.
I dug all around the concrete, then used my truck to move the pole back and forth a few times until it was all loose, then just lifted the pole out of the ground.
Then we began working on getting the concrete off the pole, it sort of fell off in four or five large pieces, we broke those up and left them in the hole, then moved all the dirt back into the hole. It all leveled out real nice and when the guy looked at it, then at the back of my truck he asked what we did with the broken concrete, he'd heard us talking as we broke it apart.
I was honest with him and he laughed, he never thought of leaving the concrete instead of actually having a big depression in the ground where the pole had been.
Food for thought.