Fixed Dish: LNB Skew versus Dish Skew

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Supporting Founder
Feb 26, 2004
I've got two fixed dishes. One is aimed at IA5, my TS satellite. The other is aimed at G10. The smaller one is aimed at G10. I was thinking about reversing the situation and pointing the larger one at G10, since it has much lower signal levels for me than IA5.

The smaller dish has a skewable (if that's a real word) mount. The big dish does not, and relies on setting the skew of the LNB.

So... without going outside and moving things around yet, I thought I would run this question by the group... do you think a smaller, skewable dish (36x20) would have a signal advantage over a larger (40x30) dish, that does not skew.

Or .... is there no difference in signal between skewing the LNB and Skewing the dish?

I'm sure that if it was my TS satellite, it would make no difference. But from my location, I need 34.5 degrees of skew for G10R.
IMO, both signals will be around the same, if you were using an identical LNBF.

It always helps the signal when the whole dish is skewed.
can you not skew the LNB?

I have 2 DirecPC dishes (39x23 and 35x20) and both are skewable on the dish..I think for the non skewable ones, you loosen the LNB and move it
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