Finding a True South Satellite

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Original poster
Dec 26, 2005
I'm using a Coolsat 4000 motorized satellite system. I need to find my TS satellite for aiming purposes. I don't know exactly what is needed to find it, but I have here all the info I think would be useful:

ZIP code: 32060

Latitude: 30° 17.196' N

Longitude: 83° 1.500' W

Mag Decl. (I'm not sure what that means): -4.85

I'd also like to know the best transponder to use so I can get the optimal signal.
Same as your longitude 83w

AMC 9 @ 83w would be your true south satellite :)

Moved to the FTA area :)

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    Boys Ranch, FL 32060
Latitude 30° 17.196'N Longitude 83° 1.500'W

              Sat Name Sat Lng Az(t) Az(m)   El  Skew
  12.5°W Atlantic Bird   12.5W 100.1 105.0  8.1 -58.2
            Telstar 12   15.0W 101.5 106.3 10.3 -57.8
          Intelsat 901   18.0W 103.2 108.1 12.9 -57.2
                 NSS 7   22.0W 105.6 110.4 16.4 -56.3
          Intelsat 905   24.5W 107.2 112.0 18.6 -55.6
          Intelsat 907   27.5W 109.1 113.9 21.2 -54.7
         Hispasat 1C/D   30.0W 110.8 115.6 23.3 -53.8
          Intelsat 801   31.5W 111.8 116.7 24.6 -53.3
          Intelsat 903   34.5W 114.0 118.9 27.1 -52.1
           AMC 12/T 11   37.5W 116.3 121.2 29.7 -50.7
               NSS 806   40.5W 118.8 123.7 32.2 -49.2
             Pas 3R/6B   43.0W 121.0 125.8 34.2 -47.8
                Pas 1R   45.0W 122.8 127.7 35.8 -46.5
          Intelsat 705   50.0W 127.8 132.7 39.7 -43.0
          Intelsat 707   53.0W 131.1 136.0 41.9 -40.6
          Intelsat 805   55.5W 134.1 138.9 43.7 -38.4
                 Pas 9   58.0W 137.2 142.1 45.4 -35.9
              Amazonas   61.0W 141.3 146.1 47.3 -32.7
            EchoStar 3   61.5W 142.0 146.8 47.6 -32.1
             Rainbow 1   61.5W 142.0 146.8 47.6 -32.1
              Nahuel 1   71.8W 158.5 163.4 52.6 -18.4
             DirecTV 1   72.5W 159.8 164.6 52.9 -17.4
                 AMC 6   72.0W 158.9 163.7 52.7 -18.1
             Galaxy 12   74.0W 162.5 167.4 53.3 -15.0
                 SBS 6   74.0W 162.5 167.4 53.3 -15.0
               GOES 12   75.0W 164.4 169.2 53.6 -13.4
                 AMC 5   79.0W 172.1 176.9 54.4  -6.9
             DirecTV 3   81.8W 177.6 182.4 54.7  -2.1
               Nimiq 2   82.0W 178.0 182.8 54.7  -1.8
          Brasilsat B3   84.0W 181.9 186.8 54.7   1.7
              AMC 2/16   85.0W 183.9 188.8 54.6   3.4
                 AMC 3   87.0W 187.8 192.7 54.4   6.8
                  IA-8   89.0W 191.7 196.6 54.1  10.1
             Galaxy 11   91.0W 195.5 200.4 53.6  13.4
             Nimiq 1/3   91.0W 195.5 200.4 53.6  13.4
          Brasilsat B4   92.0W 197.4 202.2 53.4  15.0
             Telstar 6   93.0W 199.2 204.1 53.0  16.5
             Galaxy 3C   95.0W 202.8 207.7 52.3  19.6
             Telstar 5   97.0W 206.3 211.1 51.5  22.5
             Galaxy 4R   99.0W 209.6 214.4 50.6  25.2
       DirecTV 1R/4S/8  101.0W 212.8 217.6 49.6  27.9
                 AMC 4  101.0W 212.8 217.6 49.6  27.9
            Spaceway 1  102.0W 214.3 219.1 49.1  29.1
                 AMC 1  103.0W 215.8 220.6 48.5  30.3
                AMC 15  105.0W 218.7 223.5 47.3  32.6
           Anik F1/F1R  107.3W 221.8 226.7 45.9  35.1
             DirecTV 6  109.5W 224.6 229.5 44.4  37.4
            EchoStar 6  110.0W 225.3 230.1 44.1  37.8
            EchoStar 8  110.0W 225.3 230.1 44.1  37.8
               Anik F2  111.1W 226.6 231.5 43.3  38.9
         Solidaridad 2  113.0W 228.8 233.7 42.0  40.5
              SatMex 5  116.8W 233.0 237.8 39.1  43.6
             DirecTV 5  119.0W 235.2 240.1 37.4  45.2
            EchoStar 7  119.0W 235.2 240.1 37.4  45.2
 EchoStar 9/Telstar 13  121.0W 237.1 242.0 35.9  46.5
            Galaxy 10R  123.0W 239.0 243.8 34.2  47.7
             Galaxy 12  125.0W 240.7 245.6 32.6  48.9
         Galaxy 13/H 1  127.0W 242.4 247.3 31.0  49.9
  Telstar 7/Echostar 5  129.0W 244.0 248.9 29.3  50.9
                AMC 11  131.0W 245.6 250.4 27.6  51.8
             Galaxy 1R  133.0W 247.0 251.9 25.9  52.7
                AMC 10  135.0W 248.5 253.3 24.2  53.4
                 AMC 7  137.0W 249.9 254.7 22.5  54.2
                 AMC 8  139.0W 251.2 256.0 20.8  54.8
            EchoStar 1  148.0W 256.8 261.6 12.9  57.2
            EchoStar 2  148.0W 256.8 261.6 12.9  57.2
         EchoStar 3/R1   61.5W 142.0 146.8 47.6 -32.1
          EchoStar 6/8  110.0W 225.3 230.1 44.1  37.8
            EchoStar 7  119.0W 235.2 240.1 37.4  45.2
 EchoStar 9/Telstar 13  121.0W 237.1 242.0 35.9  46.5
            EchoStar 5  129.0W 244.0 248.9 29.3  50.9
          EchoStar 1/2  148.0W 256.8 261.6 12.9  57.2
               Nimiq 2   82.0W 178.0 182.8 54.7  -1.8
             Nimiq 1/3   91.0W 195.5 200.4 53.6  13.4
       DirecTV 1R/4S/8  101.0W 212.8 217.6 49.6  27.9
             DirecTV 5  110.0W 225.3 230.1 44.1  37.8
            DirecTV 7S  119.0W 235.2 240.1 37.4  45.2

Satellite Finder is (c) Copyright 2004, P. Lutus
Also a 24/7 test card at.......

DFreq : 11775 MHz(H) SR : 4.231 Msps
Magnetic Declination is the actual physical measurement of variation in the Earths magnetic field. It's very important in your compass reading. You would add your Declination to your actual south reading. This gives you the true south that you would read on your compass. (180+4.85 equals 184.5 degrees.) See "aiming at true south" on this page:
Look at the page and don't trust me...I'm new at this myself - I'm relying on Pete (or anyone else) to correct me if I've said anything in error. :)

Edit-Had to correct an error myself! I won't tell anyone what it was. Hope that no one noticed it before I did. :(
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Wow, I never expected to get this much info! I think this is going to be a big help. Thanks you guys!
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