Final rant and problems with this crappy HD OTA and stories

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SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jul 25, 2006
1. DTV sent me a POS OTA and sent my neghbor a great one 3x the size of mine of mine. The technician put his on the roof, his works fine, mine does not.

2. I have called 5 time to complain. My techincian refuses to hook mine to the top of my roof like my nighbors or hook up my mega good antenna even though DTv gave me a credit for the price of it and the charge they said dude would chrage me to hook it up, he is a lazy ass and simple won;t do it.

3. My locals won;t give me waiver. every time I get that POS OTA antenna DTA sent me pointed, 2 days later, it stops working. I call DTV up and poitn out I pay over 200 a month for service since 94 or whatver and my nighbor does not and I want you to just hook up NYC HD feeds and they wont, they just give me a 100 $$$ credit, I mean WTF, they have bascially been giving me free service for God's now how long, like a year with all my bitching, seriously, and a liie a dozen service calls.

4. So today with not being able to get my LSu game, was the last straw, after I had properaly aligned my lcoal CBS channel and it quit working again I called and threatned then to either give me the NYC CBS HD for one day only or I call COMcast and will not pay my bill or my 2 year contract (in spite of the legend some dude on here thinks it will affect my credit, it won't, and DTV knows it) so they placate me by d\giving me another 100 bucks and tell me they will give me the HR20 for free with the 5LNB, but what about the OTA tuner??? Now they say it's working, is this true?????? Anybody know????

Point is this:

this is my last go around with the run around I am getting with these very polite but FOS folks at DTV including retention. They are coming this Sat. and this OTA tuner will work for the HD locals I don;t get which are one or two or that;s it. The other problem I have is that the of the 6 technicians that have come, 3 have told mo no way will the 5 lnb work due to a tree and 3 have told me absolutely it will work, I mean what the heck people. 3 told me the two "new" Sat are "low" in the horizon and thus a tee in my front yard will block it and the other hthree told me no, they are "high" in the horizon and the two "new" sat' will not be blocked by the "low" tree on the horizon. Huh????? I mean it seems dumb that these techinicians don't all know what's going on and even dumbed with al the tree problems as it is if DTV had new stateites that were :low" on the horizon, if that's true, doesn't it??? That will definitely knock a lot of current subscribers out of the rolls if that;s the case. ANyone know if that's correct???
1. & 2. Really; OTA is the customer's responsibility, NOT your DBS company; buy you own quality OTA antenna and install it wherever you want and have a local pro show you how do aim it correctly.

3. Been over this before in other threads, based on your service zip and your affiliates, thee is no way you are gonna get legit waivers.

4. H20 working OTA now / HR20 OTA not turned on yet.

5. Trees & the AT9; there is no truth to the AT9 not working in your area; however as far as your own property LoS issues, trees, etc, we are gonna at least need some quality photos to even begin hazard a guess. Mount that AT9 on the roof eave or chimney and you should be fine unless you live in some dense forest that enclosed your home with a tube of 100' trees.
1. Don't care, if that's the case, then why did they sell it to me and have dude come out 6 times? And if that's their excuse, then Comcast is the answer, simple as that.

3. Again, don't care, this is their last chance, Comcast will be the answer, oh...and rentention lady told me "We have a big problem with Dish turning on national feeds without waivers"...really????? Maybe I should call them?????

4. Okay, she told me by next weekedn it would work, if it doesn't, you seemed to answered my comcast question with....say!!!!!!

5. Probably so, but it may work anyway, but if I cuold get one of the DTV people who has been to my house or on the phone to agree if it was low or high on the horizon, not a hard concept to comprehend, I would know now, because I will bet dollars to donuts they will "refuse" to move the dish from it's current location to the chimney or wherever, and how am I gonna use the chimney???? And they'lll give me some ridiculous crap line you just gave that it's :my responsibility" as if I owe them my business or something, ROTLMAO, yeah...wel'll see how long that attitude lasts in my house this weekend. Lucky for my account, they have not actually used that line with me.

But in any event, as mad as I am, I love the service and don't want to leave, but will if I can't watch CBS SEC football without this pixelazation, and especially after they told me Dish keeps breaking the law and hooking up national feeds without waivers as if i'm going to think that's a bad think since it's a stupid moronic law. No idea at all if it's true and maybe it's not and other customers were just feeding her a line of garbage to berate her and she thought I was going to try that so she was cutting me off, but i'll look into it if this weekend's hookup technician is like the last one and shows up with hsi kids in the truck and does not want to work, the OTA tuner does not work, they then won't again give me the NYC CBS as a stop gap until they ge my local in get the picture.

Point is the credits and free HBO etc. was good for a while, but after a while I just want my service, I am willing and able to pay for it and I want it and am no longer willing to get for free something less than what I consider bottom line essential. The folks over there are always very polite and nice, but no one tells me the same thing twice and corporate double talk is infuriating to me. I know it is not the decision of the individuals I speak to on the phone so I never am insulting to them personally, but it is very sad that the only way to get results over there is to raise hell, politely, but raise hell nontheless. For example, in spite of twice promising me a free upgrade to the HR20 and putting it on my account, it was not there and I had to "raise hell" and threaten to not pay my current bill and break my contract to get them to honor it erpetedly in response to their counter offers down from 299 for the upgrade (they went down to 199, 99, 59, some more free service, then finally free, I mean what gives??????).
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H20 Black screen

DIRECTV: More HD Channels, Please!

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