mahogany said:
As I am still in the "thinking about it" stage, I was wondering If I down load 5 hours of talk (Howard Stern) How big of a file will that be? I am trying to figure out what size MP3 palyer I need to buy..256, 512, 1gig. 2 gig, 4 gig, 6 gig or larger? I have seen a few with a good price but do not want to get one that is to small.
I am using TimeTrax to record Opie & Anthony on XM, they do a 4 hour show, with 5 to 30 second spot commercials (xm announcements, show announcements and so-on) The guts of the show comes out to anywhere from 4-8 mp3 files, ranging in about 30 to 80 minutes each and total around 221 minutes for the entire set of breaks. This equals about 204MB. So, with another hour added on thats about 60MB for you which is 264 MB in this example. Thats encoding the show at 128bit audio.
So, the rough estimate is 1MB for 1 minute of recording. Obviously, if you lower the recording level, you can record MORE in a smaller amount and save disk space. I have a 20GB mp3 player so I am not so worried about disk space.
However, now you need to look at the mp3 player. Are you really only going to listen to stern? I have lots of other music I listen to for traveling.
Also - I usually try to listen to the whole 4hr show, sometimes I get behind in days. So... now you possibly need 2-3 days of space on an mp3 player so that if you are in the middle of your commute (I have a 1.5 hour commute 1 way) and you finish a show, you have something else to listen to OR you have another show listen to (in the event you were behind).
My advice would be to get an MP3 player you like, something thats solid, and something thats about 4GB and up. That gives you some room to move around in for just a simple run.
Hope that helps.
Also, remember this thread: Where I broke down what I do about the file names and so on. For a stern show, at 5 hours, 300 minutes would equal roughly 300MB and then you would have the WHOLE thing, and you sort thru 'on the fly' of listening which commercials and so on to listen to and skip.
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