FCC proposals would let Dish build a 4G network

Scott Greczkowski

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FCC proposals would let Dish build a 4G network

Two important proposals came out of an FCC meeting this morning, both of which have the potential for sweeping effects on broadband wireless in the US in the coming years. First off, Dish's intention to start using 2GHz satellite spectrum for terrestrial cellular service is off to a strong start — it seems that the feds have made an initial push to get behind the conversion, which would move it from MSS (Mobile Satellite Service) to AWS (Advanced Wireless Service). That's excellent news for Dish, and potentially a blow to AT&T, which appeared as though it may have been trying to acquire the spectrum by miring the band in red tape.

Read the rest at FCC proposals would let Dish build a 4G network, make 700MHz more useful | The Verge
This is indeed good news. Hopefully it produces needed affordable competition in rural broadband. I feel sorry for folks who depend on sat internet providers for internet access. But IMO, I don't think ATT's main reason to stop this is to get the spectrum, although they sure would like it. It's to prevent competition. the same reason they wanted T-Mobile.
I recall Dish telling FCC in the past few months that they would still willingly provide a satellite cell phone service from the bandwidth for those relatively few that need it but they wanted the mandatory requirement for all the phones to support satellite service removed since including dual technology (terrestrial and satellite) in all the phones would make them non-competitive for terrestrial service (this band is presently reserved for satellite cell service). Seemed like logical and efficient use of unused spectrum to me.
DISH Network Statement Concerning FCC’s Rulemaking Proposal for 2 GHz Band

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., March 21, 2012: DISH Network issued the following statement today regarding the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on the 2 GHz band of spectrum:

“DISH Network Corporation is pleased that the FCC launched today a proceeding to free up 40 MHz of spectrum in the 2 GHz band for mobile broadband. The rules proposed today advance some of President Obama’s and the FCC’s highest priorities — namely freeing up additional spectrum for commercial use while introducing new mobile broadband competition. DISH looks forward to working with the Commission on this critical NPRM, and we hope the process will move forward expeditiously so that more wireless innovation can be introduced to American consumers.”

Should I wait before getting the Hopper?

Issues with dishonline.com and 2011 iMac

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