Save Christian Radio
Save Christian Radio
Tell the FCC to keep FREE SPEECH FREE
and not to tamper with Christian and religious programming!
Save Christian Radio
Tell the FCC to keep FREE SPEECH FREE
and not to tamper with Christian and religious programming!
The FCC is considering rule changes that could force Christian radio stations to either modify their messages or be forced from the air.
Although not directed specifically at those using the airwaves to disseminate the Good News of the Gospel, potential rule changes could put Christian Broadcasters in an untenable position. If enacted, the proposals could force Christian radio programmers to either compromise their messages by including input from those who don’t share the same values, or to run the risk of costly, long and potentially ruinous government inquiries.
The First Amendment protects the free exercise of religion. The government must not be allowed to impose rules that violate it.
Although not directed specifically at those using the airwaves to disseminate the Good News of the Gospel, potential rule changes could put Christian Broadcasters in an untenable position. If enacted, the proposals could force Christian radio programmers to either compromise their messages by including input from those who don’t share the same values, or to run the risk of costly, long and potentially ruinous government inquiries.
The First Amendment protects the free exercise of religion. The government must not be allowed to impose rules that violate it.
Christian Radio needs your support now to keep its message of salvation strong on the nation’s airwaves. It’s not just a Christian thing – everyone’s fundamental constitutional rights are at stake.
For those who support Sky Angel or any Christian Broadcasting station in radio or television and through any distribution method (satellite, IPTV, Internet, TV & Radio Broadcast) This is something that has an impact on us all. Regardless of how you receive the station. It may be a major factor which drove Sky Angel to IPTV and not just the financial issues. They may have been trying to get one step ahead of this type of FCC interference. Sky Angel may be free of FCC interference as a distribution format going through the internet which is not regulated; however most of the Christian stations they offer which are also offered through other outlets are not safe from interference. This type of attack on Chistian Broadcasting would have A huge ripple effect. A lot of the talk on this board is about Sky Angel cost in dollars and cents. There is a greater cost if the freedom to broadcast this programming without censorship is incured. If they are going after radio I would bet that television will be next. Please look into this. I believe the FCC is taking feedback until the end of April. Please get involved if you care about this issue.
Save Christian Radio