This is somewhat off topic but..
Today while I was waiting to get my car's oil changed I was playing Sonic Advance on my Game Boy Advanced Emulator on my cell phone. I had a weird "moment" as an old school gamer when I thought about how 20 years ago, the idea of playing a SONIC game on a NINTENDO system was unfathomable, akin to playing a Mario game on a Sega system. Yes I realize we've been playing Sega properties on Nintendo systems for about a decade now, and have even played the scenario of Sonic VS Mario on Super Smash Bros Brawl, but to see a 16-bit style Sonic on a 16-bit Nintendo system was like living in the MultiVerse. It also occurred to me that today's gamers will never know that Sega and Nintendo at one time were fierce rivals, and the idea of Sonic or any other Sega property being on a Nintendo system was akin to blasphemy back in the day.
With that knowledge, who knows what the console scene will be like in another decade..