I use FireFox with the tab feature, and am logged into a dozen or more web sites at once.
I even have a script that hooks me up to them all at startup.
Knowing which tab is which is helped by the occasional site having a favicon.
It shows up in the tab as a little picture.
Since the forum upgrade, I've not seen the favicon.
Actually, I don't reboot nor restart FireFox very often.
Maybe every week or two.
So I'm not sure when the favicon disappeared.
At first, I thought it was just my browser.
I'm using version 1.0.7, and with all the recent trouble here with 1.5, I'm not inclined to change right away.
However, many other sites still are showing their favicons, so maybe it's not me after all.
A normal place for the favicon would be:
However, it's possible to locate it at other places, with the right .html
I even have a script that hooks me up to them all at startup.
Knowing which tab is which is helped by the occasional site having a favicon.
It shows up in the tab as a little picture.
Since the forum upgrade, I've not seen the favicon.
Actually, I don't reboot nor restart FireFox very often.
Maybe every week or two.
So I'm not sure when the favicon disappeared.
At first, I thought it was just my browser.
I'm using version 1.0.7, and with all the recent trouble here with 1.5, I'm not inclined to change right away.
However, many other sites still are showing their favicons, so maybe it's not me after all.
A normal place for the favicon would be:
However, it's possible to locate it at other places, with the right .html