EV 91 in Seattle?


Original poster
Sep 26, 2005
Anyone able to pick up EV 91 in Seattle?

I'm having problems finding it. I've got about 70-75 reception on 82 and have tried switching around the coax and LNBs (confirming that they're ok) but I only ever get 82, and zip for 91...

I've tried flipping through transponders, but I only get "not locked" or "wrong dish (82)" when I'm hunting for 91.

AZ: 135
EL: 25
Skew: 65

Any suggestions? I'll try playing around with the skew a bit more, but it seems like I must be close since I'm picking up 82 without any problems ??
Cool! How close are the 82 / 91 sats? i.e. If I'm getting decent reception on 82, should I still have to tweak elevation / azimuth at all all to get 91? Or is it typically a skew thing? I realize these are pretty vague questions, but it seems like I've tried everything at this point. =)

You can get 91 in Seatlle...its too close to Vancouver (BC) to not :)

how close....9 degrees off :)

make sure you are using the left (if you have 2) LNB...thats 91

numbers I show are
25.3 elevation
135.7 azimuth
skew of 62

but you have to take in magnetic deviation, which is like +10 so its 145 azimuth
Oh, now I get it ... (91-82). Duh. :D

Any tips on a good method to track down the sat? The switch testing software is a big piece o crap that takes forever... Although it does seem to tell me that the two switch ports that the 91 LNB are plugged into are missing. :)

Should I just pick a random transponder and hunt for 91 making small tweaks? The install docs say to use 11, but I've actually found that I get much better results with 22 for the 82 sat.

Thanks !
I would use 14 or 15 if your aiming for 91....11 is on the new satellite (n3) and has a real strong signal near the border...14 (or any even) is on the old N1
So frustrating for a rookie like me... :)

I sat on my roof all day making millimeter adjustments and still no luck. I've got a 75 signal from 82 now though, and it appears there's a free NHL HD channel, so at least there's some good news. ;)

I'm running the 91 degree coax directly into the receiver now (I have two dual LNBs on my dish), and I still can't get a peep from it. Transponders 11, 14 and 15 all tell me that I'm incorrectly pointing at the 82 satellite, but I have yet to see any mention of 91.

There's a big tree off to the left of where I'm hitting 82, and I'm starting to think 91 is hiding behind it.
Icicle said:
There's a big tree off to the left of where I'm hitting 82, and I'm starting to think 91 is hiding behind it.
If you are looking at the sky from behind the dish, 91 will be to your right, not left.
Thanks! I think there's a few trees blocking me that way too...

Looks like I'm going to have to find a better spot for the dish. What tools do the pros use when they come and do a site survey? Is there an easier way of finding the sats then moving the dish around, making sure the mast is plum, etc, etc...

miguelaqui said:
If you are looking at the sky from behind the dish, 91 will be to your right, not left.

no it isn't...its on your left

when there are multiple LNB's, they go bass ackwards

91 82

Y-y adapter
a-arm on dish
I meant that the signal will be coming from his right-hand side for the 91 sat. Meaning that satellite 91 is west of 82.
I'm surprised you haven't found 91 by now.
Seems like you've been dilligent.
However, the $10-20 satellite meters (with a real meter, not LED display) will make short work of finding your birds.

Sounds like you've got the idea.
Hook just one LNB to the 3100, and you're off.
No need to do anything on the BEV box but look to see if the text under the signal strength bar says you have the sat you want.
Don't run switch test 'till you have peaked both LNBs on the proper birds.
Then as a last step, reconnect your switch and run switch test.

And as for left/right, forget it.
The 82 bird is to the east in the sky.
The 91 bird is to the west.
(since ya know 61 is off the east coast, and 148 is off the west, the rest should be obvious)
The dish acts like a mirror, reflecting the signals to the LNBs. *
So, the LNB to the east is 91, and the LNB to the west is 82.

When you look into a mirror, the view is reversed.
You may be able to comb your hair that way 'cause you are used to it, but look into a TV camera and watch the monitor and you won't be able to brush your teeth, much less comb your hair. ;)
Anole said:
look into a TV camera and watch the monitor and you won't be able to brush your teeth, much less comb your hair. ;)

Great, I have 250 channels available to me, but because of what you said I'll be hooking my camcorder up to my TV tonight to brush my teeth. :D
ken0042 said:
Great, I have 250 channels available to me, but because of what you said I'll be hooking my camcorder up to my TV tonight to brush my teeth. :D
Hey Ken -
Maybe we should set up the Teeth 'n Comb channel.
Wonder which provider will beat a path to our door to get the rights?
(have you seen some of the home 'n car shows they have on, now?) :)

Looking forward to your report tomorrow. Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks Everyone!!!

The tree was in fact blocking 91. I thought I was hitting 82 to the right of it, but with the skew it was actually well to the left of it.

I moved the dish to the other side of the house and had no problem finding the two...
Iceberg said:
You can get 91 in Seatlle...its too close to Vancouver (BC) to not :)

how close....9 degrees off :)

make sure you are using the left (if you have 2) LNB...thats 91

numbers I show are
25.3 elevation
135.7 azimuth
skew of 62

but you have to take in magnetic deviation, which is like +10 so its 145 azimuth


I'm confused as to how you are applying the magnetic deviation to the true azimuth for Seattle. I thought the magnetic deviation for Seattle was ~ -19 to -22, depending upon the resource, and this negative value would be added to the true azimuth

135.7 + (-22)=113.7

Although this does seem to be more east than I would have guessed. Enlighten me oh great one! (Before I set-up my first dish)

just checking...

Google search on: "Seattle Longitude"....
Latitude: 47° 39' North Longitude: 122° 17' West
using: 47.65 and -122.28

Antenna alignment tool with magnetic deviation built in:

bird @ -82
(az) = 131.09
mAz = 112.05 *
elev = 22.96
skew= -30.51

bird @ -91
(az) = 140.58
mAz = 121.54 *
elev = 27.47
skew= -25.33

* corrected for local magnetic deviation.

HOWEVER, these calculators are not nearly accurate to two digits to the right of the decimall place.
Get a sat meter and a compass, aim as best you can (if you're within two degrees you are doing good), and tune for maximum smoke.

edit: wow, the above numbers are way off from where you are looking!
maybe these are wrong.
never trust just one calculator.
find the bird and tell us where it really is. ;)

*C signal

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