Ethernet connection


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 6, 2008
United States
I am unable to connect to ethernet...on it says not connected...and I am unable to access blockbuster@home on the hopper or either joeys...what do I need to do???

Thanks in advance
I tried hooking Ethernet up to my Joey just to see what would happen and my router is right next to it. When I check my connection on Joey it says it has a connection. I'm not able to do anything though. When going to VOD it just says I'm not connected. When I go to the Hopper it show no network connection either, which expected.
ashutto20 said:
So am I S.O.L. now or is this something that its being worked on???

SOL until a fix comes. You could ask Dish what's going on. Just giving it a day or two may help. It might take care of itself. Could just be in a software update.
try to reset your receiver. had the same problem and a reset fixed. I had a friend where this didn't work, waited overnight and it worked fine the next day. If you get impatient you may want to try to put your hopper in the DMZ in your router? seems like a good idea.
Tried it again this morning...was able to get to the menu but when I click on blockbuster@home it says I'm not connected...on the way to work will have to figure it out this afternoon
Isn't the preferred connection to the Hopper? And Ethernet connections to the Joey aren't supported yet.
I am unable to connect to ethernet...on it says not connected...and I am unable to access blockbuster@home on the hopper or either joeys...what do I need to do???
Ethernet or Internet? This is not a subtle distinction.

Does your router report that the Hopper has an IP address?

Does your Hopper report that it has an IP address in the 192.168.x.x range?
yes everything says I'm connected until I try to go into something ..then it says I need to connect...I'll try a few things this afternoon
wife just called said it ws doing the same thing...connected but when you choose a menu out said its not connected...guess its time to call dish

No Serach Punctuation?!

Installer is here, 2 hoppers/2 Joeys

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