This is one of those Charlie "do let the door hit you on the way out" stupid charges. I wholly disagree with the charge to return equip for cancelling service with or without ETF. Further, Dish is wrong to require subscribers to climb on the roof and cut off the LNBF's and return them or else be charged for them. I understand the concern about piracy, but if Dish is NOT prepared to spend the money to PREVENT piracy (sending someone out to take them, which might be ILLEGAL as it is attached to the domicile), then that is Dish's problem. That is all the cost of doing business. The LNBF's and box return fees when canceling are unethical business practices. But, hey, we're talking about mercurial Charlie Ergen, here.
Considering the FTC's actions against DirecTV, I have hope the FTC is also reviewing Dish's own unethical practices (along with all the MVPD's out there), although DirecTV's were far more--in fact, the most--egregious. At the very least, I wish states would pass legislation that PROHIBITS a Sat company from imposing any fees if LNBF's (which are super cheap with the sat cos. massive economy of scale) are not returned when canceling service nor any "box return" or shipping fees required for equipment when canceling, and STELAR does not address this, so states would be free to pass legislation preventing such unethical charges. As if Dish did not get some money in subscription bills AND from the ethical ETF's, which are supposed to be the mechanism for mitigating any loss when a customer leaves before the end of their commitment. OR, a consumer can choose between paying the ETF or paying the LNBF and return equipment fees and shipping, BUT NOT BOTH. But none of these MVPD's are highly ethical anyway, which why we, unfortunately, need the FTC to take action on occasion.