My current windows box is about 4 years old, consumer grade - heavily used eMachine. Under the case is upgraded memory and an early PCI-e Raedon card I added to it, plus I added a second hard drive. It has served me well for the past few years and actually runs very stable on both vista and XP. It is fine for 2-3 year old games but stuggles horribly in either OS on newer (even mid-range) games.
So, this fall I think it is time for a new box. This time I am going to satisfy my inner-geek by building it from the ground up. I know what is needed to build a system (MoBo, case, cpu, power supply, processor, et al) but am looking for tips on getting the best bang for the buck (across the board). I realizie this is probably a pipe-dream, but I want to try and put a system together that can laugh at Dx10 and ask for a challenge - but not spend over 1k.
In addition to being open for suggestions, is it possible to harvest the one hard drive I added to the e-machine (that is my vista hard drive) and use it in the new box. (trying to avoid having to buy yet another OS and likewise having to move most of my files from one system to the new one....)
So, this fall I think it is time for a new box. This time I am going to satisfy my inner-geek by building it from the ground up. I know what is needed to build a system (MoBo, case, cpu, power supply, processor, et al) but am looking for tips on getting the best bang for the buck (across the board). I realizie this is probably a pipe-dream, but I want to try and put a system together that can laugh at Dx10 and ask for a challenge - but not spend over 1k.
In addition to being open for suggestions, is it possible to harvest the one hard drive I added to the e-machine (that is my vista hard drive) and use it in the new box. (trying to avoid having to buy yet another OS and likewise having to move most of my files from one system to the new one....)