ESPNHD bitrate


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 22, 2005
Kettering, Ohio
I was reading that the average bit rate for ESPNHD is only around 12Mb. Does Dish bitstarve ESPNHD, or is this bad info?

I'm thinking about switching from Time Warner Cable, but I get a perfect picture on ESPNHD right now, uncompressed and untouched by TWC. I don't really want to switch if the picture itself is "soft".

Thanks for the info.

I read once that ESPN/ABC/FOX all being 720p do not need the full bandwidth or as much as a 1080i statation does to be equally good.

I know the ESPN on E* with my 942 looks good and has that pop. That is when ESPN actually has a HD program on ...which isnt often...
Paradox-SJ said:
I read once that ESPN/ABC/FOX all being 720p do not need the full bandwidth or as much as a 1080i statation does to be equally good.

I know the ESPN on E* with my 942 looks good and has that pop. That is when ESPN actually has a HD program on ...which isnt often...

That is true, but on D* they seem to average around 16Mb... but that is for HD programming, where the info I read didn't specifically mention if it was during the "pillar-boxed" SD or HD programs.

Have you ever seen it anywhere else to compare how your PQ looks (D* or cable)?
mlb said:
That is true, but on D* they seem to average around 16Mb... but that is for HD programming, where the info I read didn't specifically mention if it was during the "pillar-boxed" SD or HD programs.

Have you ever seen it anywhere else to compare how your PQ looks (D* or cable)?

This is true... ABC, and Fox for sure do 720p for the lower bandwidth.
That does not mean that the 12Mb is enough to make ESPNHD look good (in fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't). I just want someone who has compared the feed on E* to D* and to cable. I have seen both D* (sucks) and cable (great), so if I'm going to change I want to be sure that they are compressing the crap out of their signal like D* does.
I was able to compare ESPNHD on Comcast vs E* and I would say they were about even with Comcast by a nose. BUT that is on my system and as you know cable systems very.

I compare E* CBSHD to my local CBSHD and they are dead even...which is say ALOT for E* as OTA HD is the best there is as my local CBS has not subchannel and thus uses full badwidth for the .1
"This is true... ABC, and Fox for sure do 720p for the lower bandwidth."

And there is common mistake - 720p vs 1080i requirement:

1920x1080x30 = 62208000 bps ( uncompressed )
1280x720x60 = 55296000 bps ( uncompressed )

what is 11% difference;
also big hog of bandwidth for 720p are fast moving objects.
Take a look at this site on D* bitrates:

Note that in 15 measurements taken off of HBO-HD, SHO-HD, and HDNET movies, that the highest was only 11.2 (only time it broke 11) with a low of 7.6 and an average of just about 9.

This is terrible. No wonder several forums are filled with disgruntled D* HD subs.

The last three measurements taken off of ESPN-HD averaged 13.7
Subjectively, I've always thought that games, whether football or basketball, look best on ESPN-HD, compared to TNT-HD on E* or any of my OTA HD channels. Sports look great from my OTA channels, but I would say that ESPN-HD just pulls me in more with its picture quality. No complaints here.

Edgar in Indy
Go Colts!

Dish rescheduled my appointment!

Sat 148 Dishnetwork & MPEG 4

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