ESPN2 HD will launch in January....

Nobody has heard anything about anybody adding it yet since the announcement is so new, but ESPN is a HUGE powerhouse in negotiations. This means that they can pretty easily force the carriage of ESPN 2 HD AND ESPNU when they launch the next time contracts come up if they wanted to. Hopefully, DirecTV and Dish are able to add both without it being a knock down dragout battle.
They need to get ESPN-HD over the 50% HD content mark before they start trying to peddle another HD station off on us. Once football season is over, the only HD is the boring and repetitious Sports Center.
Carl B said:
They need to get ESPN-HD over the 50% HD content mark before they start trying to peddle another HD station off on us. Once football season is over, the only HD is the boring and repetitious Sports Center.

Some games, of all sports, tend to carry over and they move them to the other ESPN networks instead of us missing any part, so having them all HD is a good thing when this happens. MLB is also on ESPN.
Carl B said:
They need to get ESPN-HD over the 50% HD content mark before they start trying to peddle another HD station off on us. Once football season is over, the only HD is the boring and repetitious Sports Center.

I have no interest in seeing Tony Kornheiser in HD. However, I have a great desire to be able to flip back and forth between Sunday Night Baseball and Sunday Night Football both in HD. Bring on ESPN2 HD.

ESPN is showing they are committed to bringing us more sporting events in HD and I'm all for that.

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Can I get Cable and DN?

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