Encountering Error Message


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 14, 2007
I have experienced the following error message:

SAT INPUT 1 - Missing Port 1b Sat 119 Even
SAT INPUT 2 - Direct Connect To A DP Feed Port 1 DP Feed 119 Even,

When I initially called dish while encountering this problem they said it might be a weather issue / line of sight problem.........They had me unplug the feed from the back of my receiver and reboot........To my surprise, all of my programming that was missing reappeared.........

Two weeks ago while a technician was here adding an additional receiver I questioned him about this message.......He says the LNB is more than likely bad......He replaced the DP Twin

Last night I experienced the exact same problem while conducting a check switch.......The initial test showed everything good.....then the aforementioned message appeared.....

Anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing this problem? I find it hard to believe another DP Twin is bad when it is less than a couple weeks old.....As far as interference is concerned, I have some tall bare trees that are in my line of sight in the front yard but I doubt if it would be enough to cause the whole 119 Even to disappear.......If those trees had all their foliage, it would make more sense to me (currently on the waiting list of local tree trimmer to have those particular trees cut).......

Any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated.......
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Typically "even" only in a switch test is an LNB issue such as the DP twin. Your errors actually have nothing to do with obstruction, alignment, or weather. Let me know what your actual switch test results are. example, sat in 1, port 1 119eventwin/ port 2 xx n. c. The details are less helpful. Also its unlikely the dptwin is new although its possible. Can you give more info like how many receivers you have and such? I'd love to try to help!
I have ran four "check switch" tests this evening and I can't get it to occur......I know I still have a problem because it has occurred twice since I submitted my original post.......When it happens again, I will provide you with the information you requested if you don't object.......Thanks for your willingness to assist.....
Finally did a check switch where I received the same error message again.....Hopefully this information can provide some clarification......I have a VIP622 that services two televisions (primary set in living room / other in bedroom).......Specifics on the actual switch test were the following:

Port 1
Sat 119
Transmission (Red X) Displayed
Device (Blank Field)
Status Reception Error
Switch None

Port 1
Sat 119
Transmission OK
Device Feed
Status Reception Error
Switch DP Feed

The amazing thing is.......I can immediately select "test" and it will read the following:

Port 1 2 3
Sat 119 110 129
Transmission OK OK OK
Device Twin Twin Dual
Staus Reception Verified
Switch DPP Twin

Any suggestions or advice to correct problem????
If you weren't running "Check switch" tests so often, what indication do you have that there's a problem ?? You mentioned missing programming... How often does that occur ?

What does "Analog Type" means in the HDTV setup?

Dish Network installer/service tech needed.

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