Last fall I made a conscious decision to stop watching crime shows/cop shows. Primarily for personal reasons -- I teach constitutional criminal procedure, and rail on constitutional violations all day long; yet, I would come home and watch shows which blatantly ignored the constitution on a daily basis. So, I just went cold turkey. Deleted every timer I had that involved cops. It resulted in a much "lighter" diet of tv. Survivor, The Voice (new this spring for me), sitcoms: Big Bang Theory, Rules of Engagement, New Girl, HIMYM, 2.5 Dweebs, and much more usage of Netflix (with a steady helping of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis). While I started watching Awake, I even dropped that one fairly quickly. The ONLY shows with cops that I watch regularly does not count -- Eureka and Haven.
Now, as I look back, I don't miss any of them -- yeah, I occasionally miss the "sights" of 5-0, but the show itself was one of the things that sparked my decision to bail. I am perfectly content with a diet rich in science fiction, comedy, and two weekly helpings of reality (Survivor/Voice), but I wish Survivor was better.
Now, as I look back, I don't miss any of them -- yeah, I occasionally miss the "sights" of 5-0, but the show itself was one of the things that sparked my decision to bail. I am perfectly content with a diet rich in science fiction, comedy, and two weekly helpings of reality (Survivor/Voice), but I wish Survivor was better.