I bought an X-Box 360 this morning from a seller with a good rating on e-bay. The one thing that made me a little hesitant was that they didn't use Paypal. And it wasn't because of the security, but of the timing. The seller indicated that this was a top gift for X-mas and offers overnight shipping. This was a one-day auction.
I have tried repeatedly to contact the seller by e-bay, by e-mail and by phone to see where to overnight the payment so the seller can overnight the unit back to me. In a little less than an hour, I will no longer be able to get the seller money tomorrow, and therefore, they won't be able to overnight the unit for X-mas.
Would I be right to back out of this transaction? Or require the seller get a Paypal account so I can pay immediately. As much as they sell, they should have one anyway.
I just think if you are going to run a 1-day auction and advertise it as the number one gift for X-mas, that the least you can do is check to see what you sold it for.
Any thoughts.
I have tried repeatedly to contact the seller by e-bay, by e-mail and by phone to see where to overnight the payment so the seller can overnight the unit back to me. In a little less than an hour, I will no longer be able to get the seller money tomorrow, and therefore, they won't be able to overnight the unit for X-mas.
Would I be right to back out of this transaction? Or require the seller get a Paypal account so I can pay immediately. As much as they sell, they should have one anyway.
I just think if you are going to run a 1-day auction and advertise it as the number one gift for X-mas, that the least you can do is check to see what you sold it for.
Any thoughts.