E3 Playstation 3 NEWS!


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Oct 11, 2003
Just finished watching Sony's E3 PS3 show. Here are the highlights:

PS3 will come in two models-- one with a 20GBHD for $499.00 US and a 60 GBHD for $599. Unit will launch on November 11 with 2 million units worldwide with another 2 million units by the end of 2006 and another 2 million units by March of 2007.

The PS3 controller will look much like the PS2 controller with two major addtions. The PS3 controller will be bluetooth wireless and will have motion control so that you can have fluid movements in games. A demo with Warhawk running on a PS3 was used and the flight mechanics were all initiated by movement of the controller without use of any of the anlog buttons. Very impressive and very smooth.

Last, the unit will read CD, DVD and Blu-Ray. While they did meantion the use of 1080p HD output and full Dolby Digital sound they did not meantion the words True Dolby Digital, HD-Dolby Digital nor HD-DTS or DTS++. They just said that the PS3 would support all Dolby Digital codecs. This might mean no HD-DTS!

The games shown looked very smooth and were shown in HD. However, since I was using DSL my link was at 312kb for video and so my picture was not very good. However, watching Grand Turisimo being show in 1080p you could still see alot of detail and movement was very smooth. Most games shown were very smooth in their animation and there seemed to be alot of action going on on the screen at the same time with no slowdown noticable. Some of the demos were prerendered but some were shown actually running on PS3 hardware or PS3 development kits and you could watch the presenters actually playing the games.

No meantion of game prices but I am guessing that to be in the $49 to $69 range. There will be several playable games at E3 for the PS3 and I am sure that those in attendance will right about the use of the controller and how the games looked and played. Also for those naysayers about load times, the developer for GT-HD stated that from the setup for a race to the actually race can be done in less then 5 seconds then he proceeded to do just that. Picked a track, car and style of drive and started racing. Took about 5 seconds! He stated reason for this was the Hard Drive. Makes sense.

Start saving your money -- this unit is going to be HOT!!!:devil:
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i bet the 360 lowers its price 50 to 100. the premium system will be 150 to 200 cheaper than the ps3 for the holiday season. i wonder how much of a hit they are taking on these.
korsjs said:
i bet the 360 lowers its price 50 to 100. the premium system will be 150 to 200 cheaper than the ps3 for the holiday season. i wonder how much of a hit they are taking on these.

IIRC, it has already been announced that the 360 will go down to $299.99 for the Premium and $219.99 for the Core by early/mid September. I need to look for that news piece.
mwgiii said:
Word of warning:

The 20gig drive version DOES NOT HAVE A HDMI output.

You can watch the full conference for free here (right hand side about 1/2 way down the page:

also no memory stick reader or anything! lol I think sony priced themselves out a little, I mean yeah blue ray is nice, but no HDMI? I love these console wars! glad I have the 360!
At least the 20gb version will work on old HDTVs without the need for HDCP copy protection or whatever it is.
stuart628 said:
also no memory stick reader or anything! lol I think sony priced themselves out a little, I mean yeah blue ray is nice, but no HDMI? I love these console wars! glad I have the 360!

HDMI isn't all everyone thinks it is. A good portion of the change is to force users to upgrade other gear and a sneaky way to sneak protections down the road that will screw users.
Why the hell would they make two different models? Did we learn NOTHING from the 360 nonsense?

I swear, they may have a lot more money than me but these guys at the top of this industry can make the dumbest damn decisions...

And why are video games the only place you'll still pay $100 for 40 gigabytes of hard drive space? Honestly, what is up with that...
The sony press conference was incredibly disappointing. As some one said earlier the cheaper system will not have an hdmi ouput, memory stick reader or wifi. They showed nothing that was at all impressive.

I'm sure we are going to see a $50 price drop for the 360 before the PS3 comes out. Making the 360 premium $350 and the good PS3 $600.

I think its now Nintendo's E3 to lose. That is unless MS shows Halo 3 and a playable gears of war.
charper1 said:
HDMI isn't all everyone thinks it is. A good portion of the change is to force users to upgrade other gear and a sneaky way to sneak protections down the road that will screw users.

I am not saying it is, but!! in the future wont blue ray depend on HDMI? for now it can send it out reg. High def cables, but I thought for sure, once they really got into the blue ray production the securitys on the disk would make it only avail to HDMI, if not it would be downrezzed? am I wrong? also for 100 less you really are getting a bare bones system, for that much you could have a 360 premium a game and a extra controller and be a little better off. just my opinnion there!
Best summary I have seen yet on the PS3 conference from Peer VP of Content Publishing at IGN.

It is in response to this question, "Just curious, Peer, but what is your reaction to the whole PS3 debacle?"

Debacle, as in "not enough playable games shown," or debacle as in "a long demo of Gran Turismo in hi-def that looks like the old Gran Turismo does not make it exciting," or the "our controller can tilt, too" thing?

I didn't think Sony's conference was terrible. It was uneventful -- and honestly, a bit boring. Some promising titles were unveiled, but the big questions (outside of price) weren't answered. What am I getting for $200 more than a 360? Where's the Xbox Live killer? Why did that fun looking Naughty Dog game have no name?

We kept on hearing about the future of PlayStation but saw a lot of stuff that looked like the past with a whole lot of make-up and silicon. Give me a freaking EyeToy gaming application to get me excited. I've SEEN virtual board games in Star Wars in 1977 (yes, I'm old). Show me a game in action that pushes the envelope in gameplay as well as graphics.

Warhawk was cool.

Tilt-sensor controller: had to happen. It's not like Nintendo invented that concept. Plus, it's not exactly like the Wii controller and seems to be mostly useful for flight and racing games.

Source: http://blogs.ign.com/Peer-IGN/2006/05/09/16873/ 2nd comment.
minorthr said:
The sony press conference was incredibly disappointing. As some one said earlier the cheaper system will not have an hdmi ouput, memory stick reader or wifi. They showed nothing that was at all impressive.

I'm sure we are going to see a $50 price drop for the 360 before the PS3 comes out. Making the 360 premium $350 and the good PS3 $600.

I think its now Nintendo's E3 to lose. That is unless MS shows Halo 3 and a playable gears of war.

How is the 360 going to drop in price now that they are announcing an HD DVD add on? Hell you need HD DVD just to make a comparison with the PS3 and Blu ray. The 360 should NEVER have been sold without HD DVD.
Specs of the PS3's two versions:

E3 06: PS3 specs tweaked, 20GB version stripped down

Features on Sony's console vastly different than last year; system now has one Ethernet port, less HDMI ports, four USB ports, no controller vibration.

By Tim Surette, GameSpot Posted May 8, 2006 8:29 pm PT

When Sony announced the PlayStation 3 at last year's E3, one of the most impressive parts of the machine was its specs. The console was a gearhead's dream with three Ethernet parts, two HDMI ports, six USB ports, and a host of other features. Many wondered how Sony could pack so much into a sleek box and still price the system competitively.
How things have changed in a year.
According to the latest specifications released by Sony, the PS3 now only comes with one Ethernet port and four USB ports. Also, the lack of a second HDMI port means that the dual-screen setup running 1080p function that was shown off last year is no longer a possibility.
The PlayStation 3 will come in two configurations, one will have a 20GB hard drive and the other will have a 60GB hard drive. However, losing 40GB isn't the only downgrade with the 20GB version. The 20GB version, priced at $499, will not have Memory Stick, SD, or Compact Flash inputs, Wi-Fi capabilities, or any HDMI output.
The new motion-sensitive controller, included standard in both the 20GB and 60GB models, will lack a feature that was present in the PlayStation 2's DualShock 2 controller--vibration. Citing the new "six-degree," a statement from Sony says "vibration itself interferes with information detected by the sensor."
The removal of vibration could also have something to do with the lawsuit won by Immersion Technologies, which sued Sony for copyright infringement based on the rumble feature in PlayStation controllers. Microsoft faced a similar suit, but settled out of court.

Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6149552.html
charper1 said:
Those are MSRP prices so the retail prices will soon be right in line with what we have heard all along.

Have you seen any console for sale for more than a few percentage under its MSRP within 1-2 years?
vurbano said:
How is the 360 going to drop in price now that they are announcing an HD DVD add on? Hell you need HD DVD just to make a comparison with the PS3 and Blu ray. The 360 should NEVER have been sold without HD DVD.

FYI: most of the people buy consoles to play games. Neither of the HD players are necessary for games (DVD-9 is would be more than enough for consoles for another decade) - MS would be the biggest losers ever in this business if they wouldn't give you the choice, I think.
chrisw27 said:
At least the 20gb version will work on old HDTVs without the need for HDCP copy protection or whatever it is.

In other words you won't be able to watch HDCP content on the 20GB version, right?

Congrat Sony, you're just digging that hole deeper and deeper...:D
stuart628 said:
also no memory stick reader or anything! lol I think sony priced themselves out a little, I mean yeah blue ray is nice, but no HDMI? I love these console wars! glad I have the 360!

I love it... Sony is doing the Core System trick and releasing their own braindead unit..... At least they all have hard drives....

I'll stick with my 360....

Peter Moore interview @Eurogamer TV

No used games on PS3?

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