DW-TV now on 91W C-Band

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Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
When checking something else I noticed that DW-TV is now in the Chinese mux and in the clear


For those with issues getting it on 103W (like me) this may be another option. But the language isnt English so maybe not the best option ;)
DW-TV is also at 58w, nice strong signal.

3840 H 27690

"DW-TV LatinoAmer"

Often in Spanish, some German, but been in English today.
i am getting it on 58w likewise. they must be using a strong transponder there. there are good news stations there including nhk hd and al jazeera. charlie
I Wish

I wish more of these international news channels would move to Ku. Don't they want to reach as many people as possible? :confused:
The reason it is not on KU band is because they want you to pay. I contacted DW once and they replied to me that you can get it in Canada and the USA over bell, roger cable, shaw cable, satelite tv. And in the USA over comcast cable and echostar dish network. They distribute the signal over all of north america. Thats the reason why they don't put it on KU band :)

Wouldn't an international news channel like DW-World want to make itself freely available? What message are they sending by being only on pay-tv?

For me this FTA hobby is like my shortwave radio hobby. It's great to tune in the world and hear different perspectives and it is all the better if the sender can cut out the middle man. Maybe I am naive but I don't see the motives of Al Jazeera, CCTV9, RT and Press TV as being primarily commercial, really I am pretty sure their motives primarily political. Maybe DW-World is content to let Al Jazeera do their bidding for them.

On the other hand, it might just come down to numbers as there just aren't that many people in North America who are watching FTA TV. I would be interested to know statistics on this. Perhaps because there are so few of us, DW-World doesn't think we are worth reaching. That's too bad because the technology really does allow direct communication as it cuts out the middle man. I understand FTA is very popular in Germany....

Besides, I can't stand paying for TV if I don't have to. When there are commercials it's like paying twice! There is plenty to watch on FTA and OTA and I get to keep my money!
I've Been Told!

Dear Mr Duncan,

with reference to your email correspondance with Mrs Hagen, let me explain some details re the distribution of Deutsche Welle TV programs in Canada.

It is indeed easier for a private household to receive TV-programs with a small dish from a KU-band satellite than to install a big dish for reception from C-Band. However, kindly take into consideration that, in in order to reach as many viewers in Canada as possible, we cooperate with the Canadian Direct -to-Home satellite TV providers and cable companies that cater the Canadian market. It is through these companies that we are able to reach a maximum of viewers in Canada, including those who might not be aware of the existence of DW and of our TV programs if they didn't find it in the program line-ups of their cable- or satellite program provider. Furthermore, people living in big cities usually rather receive their TV via cable than via a KU-band satellite, since many of them cannot or do not want to put up a satellite dish.

So the purpose of our satellite distribution via AMC-1 and IS-9 is not primarily to cater individual households, but it is rather meant for providing our signal to downlink stations of national or regional Direct-to-Home satellite or cable companies all over North and Latin America.

I hope that this information helps to answer your questions

With best regards from Germany

Viola Zintgraf
Deutsche Welle
Distribution America

----- Weitergeleitet von Viola Zintgraf/BN/DWD am 30.01.2012 12:47 -----
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I removed the long paper trail and e-mail addys and only left the final response. I don't understand why people feel the need to e-mail free to air channels when in most cases we are not the intended audience. While its nice DW-TV is in the clear on C-Band why someone sends an e-mail and asks about going to KU just screams to them "look at me...I'm watching your channel via an unencrypted feed designed for cable/satco's". While stations like the religious ones and Luken as example don't mind (even encourage) FTA folks most of the channels don't.
Like I've said before....lets just enjoy the channels we have...because they may go encrypted at any time ;)
"In the long run we are all dead" - JM Keynes

In the long run, how do we work toward more free TV and less pay TV? Anyone? Does it even matter?
FTA here is NOT the same as other countries. Its always been that way. We are just along for the ride and don't say much to make ourselves noticed. Sadly we have lost too many good feeds and some channels because of people using the "screw the system I'm gonna blurt out everything I find" theory....but we've been down this road way too many times about that subject so I'll just stop while I'm ahead ;)

I would like to see large numbers of customers quit their cable and dish subscriptions because they figure out it's just not worth the money. It seems to me that too many people are just blindly paying way too much for a whole lot of nothing.

I wonder if deals like MLB.com's, where you pay for the one channel you really want over the internet, will significanly affect the pay tv business. I hope so because that might lead to more ITC satellite channels (in the long run).

Anyway, sorry about blabbing, Iceberg. I was just thinking that DW-World might be an organization that I might be able to influence.
In the long run, how do we work toward more free TV and less pay TV? Anyone?
Convince people to "cut the cable" and/or "Ditch the dish". OTA stations would see more advertising revenue when the advertisers leave the cable channels because of diminishing viewers. Some cable channels(worth their weight) may then convert to being carried on OTA sub channels. But, I don't think I'll see the day. So "I'll take what I can get" on FTA. DW, and other channels "take a piece of the pizza dish - cable, "pie" because it helps pay the bill, keeping the rates charged to advertisers lower and/or maximizing profit. (I'd like to see/know what some channels generate via advertising and carriage fees. have a feeling some are kept alive mainly by carriage fees and infomercials.) One must also be aware, ATSC is but a few key clicks from [$] itself
DW-World might be an organization that I might be able to influence.
Only by making the "pie" part less sweet. And somehow making advertising revenue with direct delivery sweeter.

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DW-TV is mostly German, the only shows I think are in English are Journal(at 5PM and 3AM, EST??I can't really remember the times) and Made in Germany, otherwise it is in German.
Maybe old news, but DW TV North America is also on 103.0W /AMC 1 on C Band 3740 / V / 29270, and is mostly in German with some English programming. Good info re its 91.0W programming.
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