DVR625 tv2 snowy picture tv1 ok HELP


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Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
dvr625 tv2 picture is snowy, had another tv a while back same place had great picture. TV1 has great picture,talked to dishnet no help. hooked tv2 up with short piece of cable no change ,just to rule out bad connection. Any help is apreciated!
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Are you getting video at all or just snow? Make sure tv 2 remote is in sat mode and then push the tv video button on remote. It acts like a tv/vcr button on old vcr's.
Best bet is to go into the menu, under installation then modulator setup. You'll be able to see what channel tv2 is on, most likely 60 or 73.

If your on 60, make sure your tv is in Antenna mode, not cable.

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